Who works at our local food lion?
What fruit is the most favorite in our youth?
"nobody asked"
Who is the Queen?
Natasha Fomin
What is Esther's pet peeve?
Slow cars
The Farm Stand
Who is ready for next flood?
Matthew Karpets
Who's famous saying is, "Eto Realniy Cringe"
Who is the biggest Republican
Sam Tatarinov
What is Yana's biggest pet peeve
Smacking while eating!!!!!!!!!! "DO NOT"
Who drains people's blood for a living?
Who is the youngest out of our youth?
Sofia Turlak
"I'll pull up later"
Vika Fomin
Who is the biggest F1 fan?
Saying "I have something to tell you" but then following up with a "never mind"
How many people are in the medical field?
How many people have brown eyes out of our youth?
"I hate when that happens"
Sam Tatarinov
Who has a dog named after a month?
What is Ariana Gortman's pet peeve?
What was Milya's first job
Children's store in the mall (Gymboree)
Who loved kolbasa so much they tried planting it to grow more.
Julie Fomin
"No wayyyyyyyy"
Vika Gortman
Who has been to a total of 7 countries?
Abby Golovin
What is Eric's pet peeve?