Energy and Fitness basics
Energy systems
Fitness components
Training methods
Physiological concepts

What term describes the power derived from the food we eat to produce movement?

  • Answer: What is energy?

Which energy system is used for short, high-intensity activities lasting 10-15 seconds?

Answer: What is the ATP-PC system?


Name the fitness component that involves the ability to move quickly.

Answer: What is speed?


What is continuous training?

Answer: What is exercise performed at the same intensity for an extended period without rest?


What is VO2max

What is the maximum amount of oxygen an athlete can uptake and utilize during exercise?


How is fitness commonly defined in exercise physiology?

  • Answer: What is the body’s ability to efficiently and effectively participate in physical activity?

What energy system predominantly uses glucose and glycogen during high-intensity activities?

  • Answer: What is the lactic acid system?

What is the ability of muscles to exert force called?

Answer: What is strength?


Describe fartlek training.

Answer: What is a form of continuous training where intensity varies by changing speed or resistance?


200: What happens when an athlete reaches their lactate threshold?

Answer: What is the point where lactic acid begins to accumulate in the muscles faster than it can be removed?


What term describes specific tasks athletes complete to improve their fitness?

Answer: What is training?


Which energy system requires oxygen and is used for activities longer than 90 seconds?

  • Answer: What is the aerobic system?

Which component of fitness is the ability to change direction quickly?

Answer: What is agility?


What is resistance training?

  • Answer: What is a form of exercise where the athlete works against a resistance to strengthen muscles.

What are acute physiological adaptations?

Answer: What are immediate changes in the body during exercise, such as increased heart rate?


Name three components of fitness.

Answer: What are aerobic capacity, strength, and flexibility?


Define the term 'energy system.'

Answer: What is a system in the body that resynthesizes ATP to provide energy for physical activity?


Define the term 'aerobic capacity.'

What is the ability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to supply oxygen during sustained physical activity?


Identify a type of interval training.

  • Answer: What is high-intensity interval training (HIIT)?

Define 'chronic physiological adaptations.'

Answer: What are long-term changes in the body due to consistent training, like increased muscle mass?


Why is training, fitness, and energy important for the conditioning of the athlete?

Training, fitness, and energy are essential for athletes as they enhance performance, prevent injuries, and ensure sustained physical and mental resilience.


How does the 'interplay of energy systems' contribute to physical activity?

  • Answer: What is the contribution of different energy systems at varying intensities and durations of physical activity?

How do athletes use fitness tests?

Answer: What is to develop and implement personalized training strategies?


Name four types of flexibility training.

Answer: What are dynamic, static, passive, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)?


What is the lactate turn point (LTP)?

Answer: What is the point where lactate accumulates so quickly that muscles can no longer contract properly, leading to fatigue?