SNMA History
Vocab on the Hill
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Bills, Bills, Bills
Whose Vote is it Anyway
What year was SNMA founded ?
Federal programs such as Medicaid or Medicare that guarantee certain benefits to individuals or entities who meet requirements set by law.
What are entitlement programs?
Coordinate creating, revision, approval, and distribution of position statements.
What is position statements subcommittee?
This subcommittee appropriates funds for individual health programs, such as the Ryan White AIDS programs and rural health research.
What is the House Appropriations Committee and its Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education ?
______ holds the majority in the Senate and the House
What is Republicans?
The Student National Medical Association (SNMA) is committed to supporting current and future underrepresented minority medical students, addressing the needs of underserved communities, and increasing the number of _______, _________and _______physicians.
What is clinically excellent, culturally competent and socially conscious?
A stalling tactic used in the Senate to delay or prevent a vote.
What is a filibuster?
Plan and execute the National Advocacy Forum in conjunction with the NMA Colloquium. Assist the Convention Planning Committee in planning a health policy session for AMEC.
What is NAF/AMEC Planning Committee?
Oversees Medicare in the House and were responsible for launching most of the health financing legislation that was passed in the 1960s and early 1970s.
What is the House Ways and Means Committee and its Health Subcommittee ?
A document that is designed to reflect the opinions of the members of the organization and to guide organizational policy and practice in reference to those issues
What is a position statement?
Held September 4-7 from Selma to Montgomery, AL to advocate for the elimination of racial and ethnic health disparities.
What is March for Health Equity?
Influencing the opinions of senators and representatives through meetings, letters and phone calls.
What is lobbying?
Fundraise and apply for grants to support HPLA Committee Agenda, specifically the National Advocacy Forum and HPLA grants. Oversee the application and selection process for HPLA grants.
What is finance subcommittee?
Has jurisdiction over the Public Health Service (PHS) and Medicaid programs, and share jurisdiction with the House Ways and Means Committee over Medicare. Funding of family medicine residencies may be debated here.
What is House Commerce Committee and its Health and Environment Subcommittee ?
Scheduled to meet in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 2015 to January 3, 2017, during the final two years of Barack Obama's presidency.
What is the 114th Congress?
Name three annual Advocacy Efforts of the SNMA.
What is NAF, TODER, SNMA>AIDS, Blood Drives, Smoking Cessation and more?
Rejection of a congressional bill by the President.
What is a veto?
Seek, establish, and maintain collaborative relationships with other SNMA committees and other organizations focused on health policy, health care, or health disparities. Share opportunities focusing on health policy and political involvement (internships, electives, events) with our membership.
What is Outreach/Promotions subcommittee?
Has jurisdiction over Medicare and Medicaid in the Senate.
What is Senate Finance Committee ?
Elected for a six year term
What is a Senator?
Spearhead SNMA advocacy efforts. Educate members about legislative and policy developments affecting medical education and health care. Seek opportunities to increase the SNMA’s voice, brand, and influence in health care and education. Identify key legislation and court cases/decisions in areas such as medical education, health care reform, and minority and women’s health.
What is Health Policy and Legislative Affairs Committee
Opinions provided to committees or subcommittees with regard to a particular bill
What is a testimony?
Educate SNMA membership about health policy, legislation, and other issues important to healthcare and our mission. Engage our membership in addressing these issues on the local, regional, and national level.
What is Membership Education subcommittee?
Has jurisdiction over Public Health Service programs. Funding of primary care research would be considered here.
What is Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee ?
Elected for a two year term.
What is a Representative?