The highest 4th quarter average for the report card will go to:
If I saw this student out in public, he/she would be most likely to say, "Hi Mr. Formont!"
Who did the US compete with during the Cold War?
The Soviet Union
The best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie is:
The first 1990 movie
Why do the gods like swiss cheese?
It's hole-y
The highest 3rd quarter report card grade went to
Who did I have the funniest moment with regarding a fart joke?
Who was the President during WW2, also helping the US climb out of the Great Depression?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
The best coffee:
Dunkin, Starbucks, Homemade
Why is it hard to eat a watch?
It's very time consuming
The 2nd highest grade on the Roaring 20's/Great Depression test went to:
A great participant that isn't missing a single assignment:
Which president helped create many reforms, specifically with food, drugs, and businesses?
Theodore Roosevelt
Netflix, Disney, Hulu, or Apple +
What has a bunch of keys but can't open any doors?
A piano
The 2nd highest grade on the Cold War (40's & 50's) test with 101 went to:
A geography/countries expert:
What did the US do during WW2 that it should not be proud of?
Japanese Internment
Chicken wings, hot dogs, or nachos
Chicken Wings
Will I miss you guys?
a. Yes
b. So badly
c. Heck no
d. Only a little
a. Yes
Who's report card grade went up 11 points between the 1st and 2nd quarters?
This student has tremendous potential if he/she would just TRY!!!!!
Jayden & Heaven
What kind of leaders were Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin (They had complete power in their country)
Hoodie, tank top, t-shirt, no shirt
tank top
What's my favorite country to say?