What is the name of Phoebe's alter-ego?
Regina Falange
This Social media giant owns four out of five of 2019's most downloaded apps.
(Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram)
Who has more taste buds, dogs or cats?
An Indian delicacy made with Spinach and cottage cheese.
What is Palak Paneer/ Saag Paneer
The word in British English for CHIPS
How long was Rachel's letter to Ross?
18 pages
(front and back)
In 2019, this app held the top spot in the world's most downloaded apps list for the fourth year running.
Where do dogs sweat from?
Bottom of their paws
The Current Prime Minister of India
Who is Narendra Modi?
The word in British English for EGGPLANT
What's the name of Joey's imaginary friend?
(Space Cowboy)
In the first quarter of 2020, this app became the most downloaded app beating another that had held the #1 spot for four years before that.
Which dog breed is the favorite of The Queen of England?
The largest Movie Industry in India
What is Bollywood?
The word in British English for ZIP CODE
Post Code
In which city were the show's iconic opening credits filmed?
This was the first mobile app ever built.
Snake - the game on Nokia 6110
What kind of dog is Scooby Doo?
Great Dane
The Financial Capital of India
What is Mumbai
The word in British English for SIDEWALK
What is Chandler's middle name?
What happens if say the number 17 to Siri?
You phone calls emergency services (unless you cancel the call in 3 seconds)
This herb produces an effect in cats that is similar to LSD or marijuana in humans.
What is Catnip?
An ivory-white marble monument built in 1632
What is Taj Mahal
The word in British English for TIC-TAC-TOE
Noughts and Crosses