Employee Handbook
Operations Manual
Family Handbook

Where could you find the Employee handbook?

ADP-> Resources-> Company Policies-> EHB


Who is responsible for recruitment?  

Recruitment is everybody’s business!  


What’s the policy for celebrating holidays/birthdays?

Parents are asked not to bring food, candy, balloons, or gifts for your child’s birthday or other any other occasion. Classroom staff will not teach or plan curriculum activities that promote specific holidays.


What is the cost for an employee to access EAP?

Free service


How often should you check your ADP? 

Every week


What should you do when you can’t come to work?

it is the employee’s responsibility to communicate the reason for his/her absence or delay to his/her immediate supervisor as soon as possible and in no case less than one hour prior to the beginning of his/her scheduled shift. An employee who fails to inform his/her immediate supervisor of an absence or delay is in violation of attendance requirements and may be subject to corrective or disciplinary action.


What should any staff do when they know of or suspect abuse?

Must immediately report or ensure a report is made to the responsible social services or local law enforcement agencies, and otherwise in accordance with state law. In addition, the Program Director must be immediately informed of such suspicion.


What is the program structure?

4- & 5-year-olds: No more than 20 children enrolled in any class 

3-year-olds: No more than 17 children enrolled in any class 

Under 3-year-olds: No more than 8 or 9 children enrolled in any class 


Who is our health/Vision and Dental Insurance carrier?

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield/ Delta


What is the cell phone policy at work? 

Personal use of electronic communication devices by employees should be limited to non-work time, such as scheduled breaks and lunches.


How do you meet the standards of dress and grooming?

Employees must practice reasonable and safe standards of personal hygiene. Employees are expected to dress in clothing, which is neat, clean, professional, and appropriate for the functions of their position. Clothing with excessive rips, tears, or holes, is not appropriate. Any type of revealing clothing is always inappropriate, including but not limited to midriff baring tops, tops with thin “spaghetti” straps, “muscle” shirts and low-slung pants. Staff who do not exhibit safe and reasonable standards of personal hygiene (grooming) or who report for work in inappropriate clothing will be advised of the hygiene concerns or inappropriate nature of the clothing and, at the discretion of their immediate supervisor, may be required to leave the premises until they are appropriately groomed and/or dressed.


 How many hours of training do you need for Licensing? And OHS?

15 hours per OHS


What is included in the emergency response plan?

The Emergency preparedness plan/manual includes what to be followed in the event of an emergency or major disaster. In the event of an emergency, we will immediately contact the family's emergency contact person(s). Notify the families that CDI HS holds monthly fire drills and posts evacuation plans.


When is open enrollment take effect for health/dental insurance?

October 1st

How often should you update your PDP goal? 

Everytime you achieve your previous goal. (Ex. CPR, Child Plus training, TSG, learning how to sign documents in ADP, Food Handler, I want to finish my BA) 


Confidential information concerning a child, family, program participant or staff member can be shared with another CDI HS staff member to what extent?

That such information is necessary for the employee to effectively perform his/her job duties.


What’s the policy on Timeout?

CDI Head Start programs do not support the use of “traditional” time out where a child is sent to a chair or corner for so many minutes.


What is the no-show or late pick-up policy?

If the program has not heard from guardian within one hour of your child’s expected arrival time, staff will attempt to call.

If a child is not picked up at the designated time, the center staff will first attempt to locate guardian and, if unsuccessful, they will attempt to contact emergency contacts. If one hour after the closing time of the center, guardian or a designated emergency person have not contacted the center and staff have been unsuccessful in contacting guardian or emergency contacts, the child will be released to the custody of the local police department or appropriate state agency


Tool designed to help with looking for Medical and Dental providers, pharmacies and other medical inquiries?

Sydney App


When and where should staff consume food/beverages during work hours?

Adults are not to eat or drink any food item in the classroom or at the dining table that is not being offered to the children. Children’s mealtime is not staff break or staff mealtime. Pg30(OM)


What is Community Development Institute's policy on being able to receive holiday/break pay?

Employees will only be paid for the designated holidays if they work on the last program day before the holiday and the first program day after the holiday.


What are the 6 Active Supervision strategies? 

  1. Set up the environment 

  1. Position staff 

  1. Scan and Count (and communicate with teaching partner) 

  1. Listen 

  1. Anticipate children’s behavior 

  1. Engage and redirect 


List 5 topics that can be found in the Family Handbook.

  • Program Governance 

  • Attendance 

  • Program Calendars 

  • Program Services 

  • Transition 

  • Child Records 

  • Complaint Procedure 

  • Dress code for children 


Who is our life insurance provider and the benefit amount?

Mutual of Omaha; $35,000


What to do when a child or staff member gets injured?

1. First Aid-If that is sufficinet return to classroom and complete an incident report. 

2. If FA is not sufficent, contact 911, then call emergency contacts.

3. Immediately notify PD. They will complete a SMART! report. 


4. Guardian will be provided with a "Parent or Legal Guardian Letter" and "Medical Provider Letter".

5. A medical claim form for child will be completed and HR will submit to insurance carrier and Benefits. 


4. Immediately contact HR so that a First Report of Injury form can be completed and submitted within 24 hours of the incident to insurance carrier and Benefits, even if they do not choose to seek medical attention.