Jmenuji se Dáda a jsem fotbalový brankář
My name is David and I am football goalkeeper
Luka Modric took the corner and Cristiano scored header
Luka Modric kopal roh a Cristiano dal hlavičku
Your Head is on this body part
It is Capital of Czech Republic
He is a czech youtuber making videos from USA
Jon Marianek
On má rád cestování
He likes traveling
Coach was angry at the referee for not giving them penalty
Trenér byl naštvaný na rozhodčího za to, že jim nedal penaltu
You got two pair of this part and you can see with it
It is capital of Slovakia
He is a youtuber who creates Roblox and food content
Každý den (my) hrajeme fotbal
We play football everyday
He ran to celebrate his goal
Běžel oslavit jeho gol
You can hear through those
It is capital of Poland
They are very famous twin brother
Jake and Logan Paul
Já nemám rád basketbal
I do not (don't) like basketball
Nejoblíbenější fotbalista Cristianova syna je Lionel Messi
Cristiano's son favourite football player is Liones Messi
You can speak with it
It's capital of Germany
He has big muscles, exercise a lot and creates content about working out
Jakub Enžl
Jmenuji se Dáda, každý den hraju fotbal, mám rád matematiku a nemám rád rajčata
My name is David, I play football everyday, I like Math and I don't like tomatoes
(On) Neymer rád hrál za Barcelonu
Neymar likes to play for Barcelona
It's in your mouth
It is Capital of Austria
He and his friends creates funny videos - pranks, challenges and more.
They have cat Boris
Fizi crew