Use this in those slap your head moments.
What is STAR.
What is offer a smile and a friendly greeting.
Our patients and teams are counting on us to stop-the- line when we are concerned.
What is "I need clarity."
Knowing why they matter, adhering to them.
What is know why and comply.
Structured Problem Communication
What is SBAR.
Use your ears.
What is actively listen and respond with empathy.
Ask-Request a change-Communicate-Chain of command
What is ARCC.
Didn't get enough information to understand.
What is ask clarifying questions.
So that's 50, five zero.
What is numeric clarification.
Everyone is doing their best to provide patient care.
What is assume everyone is acting with the best intentions.
When in doubt, double check.
What is offer and accept cross checks.
Your gut doesn't feel right.
What is question and confirm.
A is for alpha
What is phonetic clarification.
5 positives to 1 constructive criticism.
What is 5:1 feedback.