Site Preparedness
Fidelity of Program Design
College & Career Readiness
Coaching & Support Systems
CPA - P, I, or N

Where can you find the Site Emergency Plans?

In the OYL Binders


What is an Engagement Cycle?

Hint: think of the length and what each club needs to include

An engagement cycle is 10 weeks worth of units with culminating events


What type of resources should be available and displayed in the teen center and other program locations?

college & career resources


Site Leaders are expected to conduct observations of staff for a minimum of 30 minutes - how often should these 30 minute observations be conducted?

A minimum of once a week


Make Believe High School (MBHS) has 4 Older Youth Leaders. Mario, Luigi, and Peach all have their door sign visible and updated. Daisy was running late and was not able to update her door sign, but it is visible. On the CPA, will MBHS get a Proficient, In Progress, or Not Evident?

Answer: In Progress

In order to get Proficient (10/10 score), 100% of clubs/OYLs will need to have a visible and updated door sign.

Because Daisy did not update her door sign, they will only receive an In Progress (5/10 score).


What are "emergency back-up supplies"?

First Aid Kit supplies (bandaids, ice packs)


What needs to be used by program staff when facilitating lessons?

3 step lesson plans


When does staff engage students in college and career exploration?

During lessons


Site Leaders conduct monthly 1:1 meetings with each program staff member. They are to review observations and create what?

Work plans that clearly outline monthly development focuses


The QAC Bowser asked one of the OYLs, Luigi, if their club has any Program Huddles to get student feedback. Luigi responds, "What is a Program Huddle?" 

Will MBHS get a Proficient, In Progress, or Not Evident on the CPA?

Answer: Not Evident 

Even if the other Older Youth Leaders can speak to having Program Huddles to collect student feedback, the representative QAC Bowser chose to speak to was not able to verify.


How often should Emergency Drills conducted?

A minimum of once per month


Program schedule should be designed to be responsive to data that indicates student needs. Staff facilitate what in order to gather this data?

Opportunities for student feedback (aka Program Huddle).


At least how many college field trips should be offered each year?

At least one

How often should staff have to prepare for lesson faciliation with the unit plans and materials?

30 minutes per week

QAC Bowser observes Mario doing an attention-getter and witnesses all students stop, look, and listen. He observes the same results in Luigi's classroom. When Peach does an attention-getter, only half the class stops, looks, and listens. Peach does another attention-getter until all students stop, look, and listen.

Will MBHS receive a Proficient, In Progress, or Not Evident on the CPA?

 Answer: Proficient

If Peach settled for only half the students responding to her attention-getter, then MBHS would have received an In Progress. However, Peach repeated the attention-getter until all students stopped, looked, and listen. 


All staff should wear proper attire during their work hours at Think Together. According to the Employee Handbook, what is considered proper attire?

Think name badge & lanyard, proper footwear, Think or school shirt


During physical activity, how much youth should be moving and how often?

90% of youth moving 90% of the time


Fill in the blank: All staff and students understand and articulate that through partipation in this ______, they are learning skills to help them succeed in their post-secondary plans


How often should site leaders conduct staff meetings to go over program updates/needs and review the QPIP (Quality Program Improvement Plan) ?



QAC Bowser asks one of the students in the Cooking Activity, "Do you know what the objective is?" The student just points at the board where the objective is written. When QAC Bowser asked a different student in Chess Activity, the student shrugged and said, "She read it to us at the beginning and wrote it on the board, but I cannot remember it. Something about learning strategies."

Will MBHS receive a Proficient, In Progress, or Not Evident on the CPA?

Answer: Proficient

Students were able to at least identify where they could find the objective and verified that the OYL read it to them.


In regards to "Environment Physical Set-up," what three things need to be visible and posted in all envrionments?

1. Door signs

2. Environmental Agreements

3. High School Pillars


What should mentors be implementing with each individual mentee monthly?

Grade checks


In terms of Academic Achievement, what programs should be offered in the Study Center and/or other Think Together provided academic support?

1. Target Interventions/Athletic Tutorials

2. A Writing Center

3. Credit Recovery Program

4. Dual Enrollment

5. Support for high stakes testing (AP exams, ACT, SAT exams)


What two CDE Quality Standards is your site focusing on for the QPIP (Quality Program Improvement Plan)?

1. Quality Staff 

2. Active & Engaged Learning


QAC Bowser asked a student in Study Hall after Mr. Mario facilitated Debrief, "How often does Mr. Mario Debrief with you in Study Hall?" The student responds, "This is the first time he's done it."

Will MBHS receive a Proficient, In Progress, or Not Evident on the CPA?

Answer: Not Evident

The student confirmed that Debrief was never done previously and was only conducted today because someone was watching.