What do the colors orange, green and red represent in the high school directory?
Orange = QUeens
Green = Manhattan
Red = Brooklyn
How many choices are listed on the high school application?
Every high school starts at 8 am.
Who do you tell when your high school application lists the wrong grades or address?
Guidance Counselor
What does AP stand for? Why is it important?
In the book, under the program description
How many schools accept me from my high school application?
ONE! The only exception is if you get accepted into specialized high schools
Name at least two statistics that are listed in the high school directory.
The percentage of students who:
- graduated
- enrolled in college or career programs
- attendance
- feel safe in the hallways
When do high school results come out?
Zoned school is the closest school in your neighborhood. Zoned schools on your application will give you priority if you put it down on your application.
I got accepted into my high school #7 choice. I am now happy. What do you think your guidance counselor will say to you?
Too bad or enter in Round 2. Every choice you put you should want to go to!