Making Money
How We Govern
Know Your Rights
Influencing the Politicians
The Branches

Economies are typically run based on these two factors

What are supply and demand?


The United States, though a Representative Democracy, also has this key feature of government where power is divided between different levels

What is federalism?


Speech, Press, Petition, Redress, and this last right are all protected under the First Amendment

What is religion?


The NRA, CitizenLink, and the American Librarian Association are all types of these

What are Special Interest Groups?


The founders created three separate branches because of this

What is wanting to avoid a tyrannical government?


Where the government controls all of the means of production, prices, and supply

What is a command economy?


Although there are many subcategories, governments can generally be split into these two types

What are authoritarian and democratic?


We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, but women didn't gain equality of the vote until this change to the Constitution

What is the 19th Amendment?


These are the people who work for interest groups in order to get legislation passed that they favor

What is a Lobbyist?


Vetoes, approving appointments, and impeachment proceedings are all part of this key principle to the functioning of government

What are Checks and Balances?


The business cycle has four main phases that it goes through

What are peak, recession, trough/depression, and recovery?


In this system, people elect the legislature who then elects the executive for them

What is a parliamentary democracy?


According to this amendment, you have more rights than the ones listed in the Constitution

What is the 9th Amendment?


Although not unlimited in what they can give, these groups seek to influence Congress members financially

What are Political Action Committees (PACs)


In a case where excessive littering or carbon emissions are present, this agency may step in and give out fines or other consequences

What is the Environmental Protection Agency?

If the economy is not moving fast enough, the government can use expansionary policies which include these two factors

What is cut taxes and increase spending?


There is one key way in which authoritarian governments are better off than democratic governments

What is the ability to make decisions/take action quickly?


Right to a speedy and public trial, right to a lawyer, right to an impartial jury, right to know charges against you are all protected by this essential amendment

What is the 6th Amendment?


Voting during elections, attending protests, and staying informed are ways people can choose to influence the government, also known as these

What are Civil Responsibilites?


The legislative, executive, and judicial branches all have their own unique responsibilities when it comes to what they do with the law

What is make the law, enforce the law, and interpert the law?

In order to slow down the economy, the FED will often times raise this rate
What is the interest rate?

Seen under the Articles of Confederation and during the Civil War, America has at times been this type of loosely banded government

What is a confederacy?


These two rights are protected under the 14th Amendment and have been used in the fight for Civil Rights since its passage

What are the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses?


This Supreme Court case held that corporations can spend money to influence elections

What is Citizens United v. FEC?


The process where bits and pieces of the Constitution are ruled to apply to the states is known as this

What is selective incorporation?