Ecosystems at Risk
Urban Places
People & Economic Activity
Define an ecosystem.
All the biotic (living) and abiotic (no living) elements and their interactions.
What is a world city? Give an example.
A world city is 1-20 million. London, New York and Tokyo are the three dominant world cities

Name a global activity?


What gives the more accurate location - area reference or grid reference?
Grid reference
Define and give an example of primary and secondary sources.
Primary - you do the testing eg: pH Secondary - using someone else's data eg: textbook, Internet, etc
What is the hierarchy of organisation of an ecosystem?
Organism - zebra Population - herd of zebras Community - zebras, antelope, lions of an area Ecosystem - interacting biotic & abiotic factors of environment Ecosphere - all interacting ecosystems
What is a mega city? Give an example.
10 million in the developing world. São Paulo, Mexico City, Jakarta, Manilla etc

Name an enterprise.

Eg: Kingsdale

How do you determine gradient?
Gradient = rise / run
Define and give an example of qualitative and quantitative data.
Quantitative - numerical data eg: pH of water Qualitative - opinion based eg: biggest human impact on an ecosystem
Draw a food chain and a food web.
Food chain - 1 interaction eg: bug eaten by fish eaten by bird eaten by crocodile Food web - intricate multiple chains eg: fox eats rabbits, squirrels, mice etc which are also. Eaten by hawks
Name all urban dynamics and define them.
Consolidation - dense population Suburbanisation - urban spraw Exurbanisation - rich moving away but keeping ties Counter urbanisation - cutting all ties Urban village - enclaves of demographic groups eg:Chinatown Urban renewal - gentrification Urban decay - decay of urban areas Decentralisation - moving services to regional centres Spatial exclusion - gated communities
The wines made outside of Europe are an example of?

New world wines

If the distance is 8cm between 2 points on a map with a scale of 1:25000. How far apart are they in real life?
Give 3 tests for water quality and describe them.
pH - how acidic or basic water is, neutral is 7 acidic is less than 7 Turbidity - how cloudy water is, measured in NTU nephelometer if turbidity units, measures the intensity of light passing through sample Nitrates and phosphates testing - nutrients responsible for algal blooms, compare colours to a chart
What is primary and secondary succession? Give examples of natural and human stresses that create the need for them.
Primary - first time an area grows plants eg: after a volcano creates new islands to be vegetated Secondary - after a natural disaster eg: Fire,denudes an area and re vegetation starts or a human impact eg: deforestation
Explain the demise of the small town.
Farming profitability reduces causing people to move to larger centres for employment. Less people means services, shops and schools close causing more people to move away.

What are the location factors?

Biophysical Economic Ecological Political Organisational Technological Socio-cultural

How long would it take to travel 45km at a speed of 90km/hour?
Speed= distance/time. 90km/hr = 45km / time Time = 45/90. Time=1/2 hour = 30mins
How do you test for water velocity?
Measure out 10 m and throw in an orange. Time how long orange takes to complete 10 m distance. Velocity = distance / time
What are the factors of ecosystem management and protection? Give examples.
Genetic diversity - tassie Devils Utility values - timber value Intrinsic values - natural beauty Heritage values - cultural significance Natural change - survival of the fittest
Describe one urban dynamic in a large world city.
Various answers. Teacher's discretion.

The big influences on the future of our economic activity is?

Changing tastes due to health reasons and costs such as exporting tarrifs

If a cross section has a vertical scale of 1cm=100m and the horizontal distance is 15cm on a map with a scale of 1:50 000. What is the vertical exaggeration?
VE = horizontal scale / vertical scale VE = 7500 / 100 VE = 75 LARGE VE
Describe quadrat sampling and what it is used for?
Used to measure the biodiversity of a species. Randomly place a 1 m x 1 m square and count the species.