What type of prevention focuses on stopping disease before it occurs?
Primary prevention
What construct refers to a person's belief in their risk for disease?
Perceived susceptibility
What is the strongest predictor of behavior in TPB + TRA?
Behavioral intention
What is the central concept of SCT?
Reciprocal determinism (the term used to describe how behavior, personal cognitive factors, and socioenvironmental influences interact to shape health behaviors)
What is the first stage of TTM?
Precontemplation stage
What is the leading cause of death in the U.S.?
Chronic Disease
What construct refers to a person's belief in the seriousness of a disease?
Perceived severity
What construct refers to social influence on behavior?
Subjective norms
What construct refers to learning by watching others?
Observational learning
What stage involves weighing the pros and cons of change?
Contemplation stage
What is one example of a social determinant of health?
Socioeconomic status, education, employment, social support
Maria sees a billboard reminding her to schedule a mammogram. What HBM construct does this represent?
Cues to Action
A person wants to eat healthier but feels that a busy schedule makes it difficult. What TPB construct does this represent?
Perceived control
A person avoids fast food after seeing a friend lose weight by cooking at home. What construct does this represent?
Outcome expectations
Sarah has started researching gym memberships and has bought new running shoes but hasn’t started exercising yet. What stage is she in?
Preparation stage
What are the 4 levels of racism?
Structural racism, Institutional racism, Interpersonal racism, Internalized racism
Which two constructs of the HBM are most directly related to a person’s motivation to take preventive action?
Perceived susceptibility, perceived severity
What key addition makes TPB different from TRA?
Perceived behavioral control
What are two ways to strengthen self-efficacy?
Mastery experiences, vicarious experiences
What term refers to an individual’s weighing of the pros and cons of changing?
Decisional balance
What are the 7 key health practices?
Not smoking, Drinking alcohol modestly (less than 5 drinks per sitting), Not eating between meals (not overeating), Eating breakfast, Avoiding overweight & obesity, Exercising (physical activity), Sleeping 7-8 hours per night (sleeping sufficiently)
How does the Health Belief Model explain why people do not always engage in healthy behaviors, even when they are aware of the risks?
Perceived barriers outweigh perceived benefits (assumption of HBM)
What three concepts determine behavioral intention in TPB?
Attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control
How do environmental influences shape behavior in SCT?
They provide opportunities or create barriers to action.
Which 3 concepts influence stages of change?
Self-efficacy, temptation, decisional balance