Reading / Writing

What are the five types of text structure?

Sequence / Chronological Order


Compare and Contrast

Problem and Solution




What is market equilibrium?

This is the state in which market supply and demand balance each other, and as a result prices become stable.


What are the three branches of government?

Legislative Branch

Judicial Branch

Executive Branch


What is a hypothesis?

This is an explanation that might be true--a statement that can be tested by additional observations or experimentations.

Beginning in the 1400s, a flowering of culture known as what spread across parts of Europe?

the Renaissance


What are Context Clues

Context clues are hints found within a sentence, paragraph, or passage that a reader can use to understand the meanings of new or unfamiliar words.


What is a shortage and surplus?

Shortage: This is a condition where the quantity demanded is less than the quantity supplied at the market price.

Surplus: This is a condition where the quantity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied at the market price.


What kind of legislative body does the United States have?

Congress is a bicameral legislature or a lawmaking body with two houses.


Some dinosaurs can fly. NOT flying (S) is dominant to swimming (s). Complete the Punnett Square to cross a heterozygous mom with a homozygous recessive dad.

What percentage of the offspring can fly?



That is triangular trade?

A pattern of colonial commerce connecting three regions and crossing the Atlantic Ocean, specifically the transporting of enslaved Africans to the Americas, cotton, and other raw materials from the Americas to Europe.


What is the difference between denotation and connotation?

Denotation is a word's literal meaning or dictionary definition.

Connotation includes the interpretation of a word beyond its literal definitions; connotation includes the associations that people develop through personal experience.


What is the difference between elastic and inelastic?

Elastic: This is when a small change in the price of a good, causes a greater change in the quantity demanded. Such a demand is price-sensitive

Inelastic: This means that a change in the price of a good, will not have a significant effect on the quantity demanded. Such a demand is not sensitive to price.


What are the five types of maps?

Climate maps - Shows information about the usual weather in a place.

Physical Maps - Shows information about landforms and bodies of water

Political Maps - Shows borders and capital cities

Economic Maps - Shows economic information like the locations of resources.

Thematic Maps - Shows information about a particular subject, like voting patterns.


WWhich animal evolved first?

The Lamprey


What is the difference between a primary source and a secondary source?

Primary sources are people who witnessed an event. These often include newspaper articles, diaries, public records, photographs, and letters.

Secondary sources are created by someone who did not witness the event described. Common secondary sources are encyclopedias, journal articles, and books.


What are logos, pathos, and ethos?

Logos: This uses logic, reasoning, evidence, and facts to support an argument. Logos appeals to the more rational side of the audience's minds and provides support for the subject matter.

Pathos: Pathos accesses the emotions and deeply held beliefs of the audience to draw them into the subject matter. Pathos often makes audiences feel like they have a personal stake in the provided information.

Ethos: Ethos is the credibility of the speaker or writer. The person presenting the information must first establish themselves as someone who can be trusted or has a lot of experience.


What is the law of supply and demand?

The law of supply and demand states that the smaller the supply available to be sold, the higher the prices will be. The opposite is true: the more supply available, the lower the price will be.


What are the 7 types of government?

Absolute Monarchy

Communist State



Military Junta

Parliamentary Monarchy



Describe the carbon cycle.

The carbon cycle is the movement of carbon through the environment. Carbon exists in everything and is the building block of life and is an important part of many chemical processes.

Carbon exists in the form of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Plants use carbon dioxide and sunlight to make food. They store this carbon in their stems, leaves, and fruit.

Animals eat the carbon in plants and once they die, they decompose and become a part of the Earth.

When a plant or animal dies, carbon enters Earth and sometimes turns into Fossil Fuels. Fossil Fuels are then burned by humans and the carbon once in plants and animals is released back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. 


Who were the three Pre-Columbian Americans civilizations?





What are the coordinating conjunctions and their relationship?

F - For (shows a cause)

A - And (connects two related ideas)

N - Nor (Gives negative choices)

B - But (Contrasts two ideas)

O - Or (Gives choices)

Y - Yet (Contrasts two ideas)

S - So (Shows an effect)


What are the four types of Economic Systems and who answers the economic questions?

Command Economy - Government leaders or planners answer all economic questions.

Market Economy - Producers and consumers answer all economic questions.

Mixed Economy - Government, producers, and consumers all have some say in answering the economic questions.

Traditional Economy - People and groups answer the economic questions according to how they have done things over time.


How does a bill become a law?

1. It starts as an idea

2. The bill is introduced to the House of Representatives and the Senate.

3. It is discussed and voted on by committees.

4. It is sent to the general membership for debate.

5. It is voted on by the entire house of membership.

6. It the houses do not cote vote on the bill it is sent to conferences to resolve the different versions if necessary.

7. After that, the final bill is sent to the president.

8. The president either signs or vetoes the bill.

10. Congress can overturn a president's veto with a two-thirds majority vote.


Balance this chemical equation:

C5H12 + O2 --> CO2 + H2O

C5H12 + 8O2 --> 5CO2 + 6H2O


What is Manifest Destiny?

Manifest Destiny was the idea that the nation had a duty to cover the continent to the Pacific Ocean.