Signature Pages
Site Roles
Student Information
Legal Responsibility

When are signatures collected?

What is... signatures are collected the first day that any staff person is on site after they have reviewed all information.  

And when new information is added.

Not as a step to comply with inspections just prior to the visit. 


This process takes place with all staff during transition week and is lead by the Supervisor/Supervisor team.

What is... a complete review of all documents and collection of each staff person's signature.


You will find a summary of a student's likes and interests on this page.

What is... the Site Support Strategies form. 


When are medications collected?

What is... onsite when the program begins or as students have a need for prescribed or over the counter medications. 


Legally we must have the HSI binder information and signatures to document staff knowledge.  The most important thing is that we...

What is... know, understand and implement the information for each child. 


This form identifies the general risks to children and established procedures that minimize identified risks.

What is... Risk Reduction Plan


The HSI binder is provided to the site with the known information.  What is the next step to collect missing information.

What is... Supervisors review and gather missing information and/or signatures from families.


Where would you go to find information on every enrolled child?

What is... the student information list.
When do you log medication distribution?

What is... immediately.


Action plans, medication processes, signatures, risk reduction plans and more are required by what entity?

What is... DHS.

The format and language in most cases must be verbatim.  


When do you start a new column for staff to initial on the HSI signature page?

What is... When there is new student information added to the binder.

The date and initials of the student must be noted on top of the column so that we can refer to the new information.  


The HSI includes food allergy and dietary needs list.  Where does the Supervisor place this information on site?

What is... on the red clipboards in meal serving areas and the red folder for nutrition services. 


How is information found on the health action plans gathered.

What is... during the registration process.

There is a question and answer section that parents complete during registration.  These answers are exported into the action plan.  The action plan Q&A is DHS requirement.


When is a signed authorization form needed for medications?

What is... always. 

Whether prescription or over the counter, a parent must authorize for both and a doctor authorizes for prescribed. 


According to DHS, who is responsible to assure that the site-based process are implemented?

What is... the site director (AKA Site Supervisor).


The preventing and responding to allergies signature form includes what information about students. 

What is... Summary of student allergies on site and required medications.  

A full action plan can be found in the students section typically under medications. 


Over time and as we are working with students, this is required in order to implement all processes and strategies found in the HSI binder.

What is... regular onsite review of documents and plans at staff meetings and as needed to support student success. 


Information on the unauthorized pick-up forms comes from what documents?

What is... court orders.

ALL information on an unauthorized pick-up is derived from court ordered restrictions.  You can find information about UP on the SIL and under the Pick-up tab.


If an action plan lists that a medication is required and parents chose not to provide what is needed?

What is... a medication waiver form. 

Even if the parent says they will bring in a few days a waiver is needed until medication is provided.


According to DHS who is responsible to assure that system processes are implemented (background checks, training monitoring, etc.).

What is... program administration. 


These three pages require all staff signatures.

What is... Risk Reduction Plans

HSI Binder Signature Page

Preventing and Responding to Allergies Signature Form


This ensures that all staff signatures are found on all three signature pages.

What is... onsite comparison of staff list to signature page for accuracy. 


How will staff know, understand and implement the strategies found on the SSS form?

What is... read and review the binder, information is presented at staff meetings, and onsite Supervisor observation and coaching. 


If a medication form says Epi-pen and the family gives you a generic epinephrine pen you would talk to the family to...

What is... have the family change the listed medication to epinephrine. 

The medication listed must match exactly with the medication provided.  Ex:  Can't say aspirin if it is Tylenol.  Can't say Advil if generic brand ibuprofen.


Which laws govern childcare programs are to provide accommodations and modifications?

What is... the ADA, Section 504 and DHS certification.