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Anthropology, Sociology, and Psychology are all branches of this broader discipline.

What is Social Science?


This Greek word translates to "companion" and is the route of one of the 3 main disciplines.

What is Socius?


British researchers who studied the origins of humans (up to two million years ago) in Tanzania and Kenya.

Who are the Leakeys?


A German who wrote that capitalism would ultimately be replaced by communism which would erase class differences and society would become fair and equitable.

Who is Karl Marx?


Known as the “Father of Psychoanalysis”, used dream interpretations and believed that people's unconscious thoughts controlled current behaviour.

Who is Sigmund Freud?


This is the study of an individual’s mental processes and behaviour.

What is Psychology? 


This Greek word translates to “breath”, “soul” or “mind”.

What is Psukhe?


An American who researched amongst the peoples in the Canadian Arctic and the Pacific West coast. He believed each culture should be judged by its own standards and not Western ones.

Who is Franz Boas?


A French thinker who created the term “sociology. He was an atheist who tried to start a secular religion. He advised scientific tools for study.

Who is Auguste Comte?


A Swiss researcher who focused on the collective unconscious, symbols and their meanings and universal archetypes.

Who is Carl Jung?


This is the study of the functions and structures of human society.

What is Sociology? 


This branch of Anthropology studies human evolution, human biology, and other primates. 

What is Physical Anthropology? 


An American researcher who studied the peoples of Micronesia (New Guinea) and who discovered that gender rules are not universal but formed by culture. 

Who is Margaret Mead?


A French researcher who founded the first sociology journal and taught that customs, traditions and religion exerted control over people. 

Who is Emile Durkheim?


A British scientist best known for his work on the evolution of species.

Who is Charles Darwin?


This is the study of the human species and members of different cultures. 

What is Anthropology? 


This is the process of interpreting and manipulating mental ideas and images to obtain information, to reason, and to solve problems.

What is the Cognitive Process?


One of the first to research Indigenous Peoples in North America. He was heavily influenced by the racist, colonial beliefs of his time.

Who is Lewis Henry Morgan?


A German who disagreed with Marx’s view of class conflict. He believed that human values and beliefs affected people’s behaviour. He wrote The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism in which he claimed that Protestantism created capitalism.

Who is Max Weber?


The question of genetics was answered by this priest and biology teacher.

Who is Gregor Mendel? 


Social scientists use this research method, modelled on the scientific method, when conducting research.

What is the Inquiry Method? 


When we believe information from a good looking person and a well presented image, it could be called. 

What is the Halo Effect.


A Swiss researcher who developed theories of child development and the formation of elementary school in Europe and North America.

Who is Jean Piaget?


An American linguist who developed theories about how children gain language abilities. He is also a critic of US foreign policy.

Who is Noam Chomsky?


A Christian who believed a classification system was needed to organize the results of Divine creation.

Who is Carolus Linnaeus?