History of HSS
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This person began the Charitable Organization Society.

Who is Mary Richmond?


A(n) __________ involves working for a qualified professional to learn a skilled trade.

What is an apprenticeship?


In ______, workers help people budget, solve financial problems, and make good consumer decions.

What is Consumer Services?


This type of counselor is highly skilled at making sure each person fights or discusses fairly, without the sense that one person is bullying the other or dominating the discussion. In addition, the counselor helps the people to cope with emotions, such as feeling betrayed, that are revealed during counseling sessions.....

What is a Marriage Counselor?


You need this kind of degree to get a job as an eligibility worker.

What is a bachelor's degree?


The ___ focused on offering relief for those in need and recovery from the current crisis.

What is the New Deal?


A ________ is a course of study that prepares students for careers in specific trades and occupations.

What is a career and technical program?


Where are consumer services workers usually stationed?

What are mental health services, child development, family and community services, personal care services, and services in food, clothing, and housing?


The first social worker.

Who is Jane Addams?


With a this type of degree for Human Services you are eligible for a number of positions such as a Licensed Professional Counselor.

What is a Master's degree?


The _______ allows full-time employees to take unpaid job-protected leave for family transitions involving close family members, such as spouses, children, and parents.

What is the Family and Medical Leave Act?


Which workers are a central part of the HSS industry.

What are the Family and Community Services?


This is a term that refers to the agencies and organizations serving the needs of people at all stages of life.

What is Human Services care providers?


In the 60s, there was an abused boy who was known as Fruitstand. At the end of the school day, a person who helped with kids like fruitstand asked him where his bus was. He did not answer. They turned his tag around, and found that his name was actually Chong-Ween. What kind of job in human services is this?

What is a Child Abuse worker?


Main duty is to protect people, property, information, and reputation. Responds rapidly to these within the hospital or health care setting.

What is a Healthcare Security Guard?


This is a government funded preschool program that focuses on preparing disadvantaged children for school.

What is Head Start?


These workers have a high level of specialized education and experience.

Who are the Social Workers?


This is what people typically think of when they hear the word counseling, but counselors’ actual job duties may go well beyond what people imagine. Clinical counselors do indeed talk people through problems. In many cases, though, they diagnose as well as treat this kind of illness.

Who are mental health counselors treating mental illnesses?


This person assists in providing client services in a wide variety of fields, such as psychology, rehabilitation, or social work, including support for families. May assist clients in identifying and obtaining available benefits and social and community services.

What is a social service technician?


There are this many jobs in the field of Human Services.

What is 795 jobs in the HSS field?


This president passed the Social Security Act.

Who is FDR?


In _______ careers , workers, provide personal services for people.

What are Personal Care Services?


This job generally entails supervising a group of program participants or clients within a structured environment. Most employers require these counselors to have a bachelor's degree or higher in a related field of study, such as psychology, counseling, sociology or social work.

What is a Residential counselor?


This  is someone who works with and monitors offenders to prevent them from committing new crimes.

What is a Probation Officer


Composes correspondence from verbal instructions of superior, and independently drafts replies to inquiries, reviews correspondence prepared by others for superior’s signature to ensure correct grammar, format and completeness

What is an Administrative Assistant?