Over Under
Yeah Nah
Half Life
Double Trouble

Are there more: Fish in the sea or fish in rivers and lakes?

Fish in the sea (3.5T vs 25B fresh water fish)


Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant on Earth. ??

True, 91 cm per day!


The Mona Lisa was painted by Vincent van Gogh. ??

No, she was not! She was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci!


Half-life, the video game, was originally released in 1998?

Sure was! It was one of the first video games to use immersive storytelling...


If you double the number of wheels on a bicycle, what is it called?

A quad bike...


What weighs more: All the Cats or all the Dogs, on earth, right now?

Dogs (9B KG vs 2.4B KG for Cats) Dogs weigh more, and there are more of them too...


Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump. ??

True, but they can recognize individuals, both Elephant and Human...


The Great Wall of China is visible from space. ??

No, it is not! Because, yes, its long... but it's very thin (:


The half-life of a physiological response to an emotion is approximately 90 seconds, according to neuroscientists?

Sure is! This is the average time your body takes to clean out the chemicals produced by the response...


If you doubled the height of an average Giraffe, how tall would it be?

10-12 meters...


What's taller when stacked on top of each other: All the Humans or all the Ants, on earth, right now?

Ants (74M Kms Vs 14K Kms for Humans) [They would reach Mercury; we wouldn't reach the moon)


A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus. ??

True, 1 rotation of Venus takes longer than for it to orbit the Sun.


The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth. ??

Yes, it is! In fact, its nearly 50% larger than the Atlantic!


The half-life of carbon-14 is approximately 5,730 years, which is why we use it for dating rocks and stuff?

Sure is! We can accurately measure the age of things up to about 50k years old!


If you double the number of legs on a spider, how fast can it run?

2-16 kmph depending on model...


What weighs more: All the Humans or all the spiders, on earth, right now?

Spiders (2.1T KG Vs 486B KG for Humans)


The Amazon Rainforest produces more than 20% of the world's oxygen. ??

False, only about 6-9%

Bananas grow on trees. ??

No, Bananas grow on large herbaceous plants, not trees, their trunks are made from tightly packed leaves, not wood (:


Our Sun is middle aged (around the age of its half-life) Roughly how long does it have left to live?

4.6 billion years (the age of the universe as we know it)


If you double the number of clowns that can fit inside a Mini Cooper, how big is your circus act?

42 Clowns (The record is 21 Clowns inside a Mini Cooper)


What has more volume: 50 Moons or 1 Earth?

50 Moons (1.09 things vs 1.08 things for the Earth) [1 Thing = 1 x 10 ^ 10 Km3]


A group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance." ??

True, also, without the pigments found in their diet, they would be white or grey, how dull!!


The human body has 208 bones.

No, it has 206 (:


The fuel used at Chernobyl (low-enriched uranium dioxide) has a half-life so long that humans won't be able to safely live there for how long?

20,000+ Years - Whoops!


If you double the speed of an object, how much longer does it take to stop it?

Quadruple (because some math thing where the speed is squared)