Define Protected Classes?
Specific groups of people who are legally protected from discrimination under the Fair Housing Act and other laws
True or False, you should smile before answering the phone
Where should the prospect meet you?
At the office, unless they are walking
How would you respond to 'I need to move in earlier than the 23rd of August.'?
Offer them the as is addendum for August 5th
What is OSU's full name?
The Ohio State University
How would you respond to "Do you only lease to students?"
No! We lease to anyone who qualifies to live in our community!
What should you do right after your phone call?
Notate it in Entrata, with detailed notes about what was discussed
Where can you find the application link to send to your prospect after the tour?
PowerBI and the website
Someone calls in and is concerned with signing the fall lease as the move in fees are too high, how do you overcome their objection?
Offer them a security deposit addendum of either 3 or 6 months
How many leases per week do we need to hit our 95% econ goal? Bonus points for the number of beds as well
15 units and 31 beds
How would you respond to 'I don't want to live next to the frat houses'?
Did you have a specific area you wanted to rent?
First and last name, phone number, email, and lead source
What are the steps after completing a tour and the prospect leaves?
1st: Update event result with detailed notes of the tour
2nd: Send follow up communication
3rd: Update your tour trackers
No worries! We have quite a lot of units that have in unit laundry! Here are a few suggestions
Who orders us cookies?
Cynthia Simons
Who is liable for a fair housing violation?
You can be held liable, and the company can be held liable
Literally no time at all, the sooner the better!
Our application is no commitment! You don't have to pay anything upfront to submit the application
Someone is objecting to applying as they don't have their group 100% solidified and aren't sure who is in and who is out, how do you address the objection?
You encourage them to apply and let them know that they can always add someone to the application, and if they were interested they could add someone after the lease is signed
What is our portfolio's actual name?
Hometeam Columbus
A family of five is interested in leasing a 2 bedroom, but you notice the mother is quite pregnant and you know our policy is 2 heads per bed plus one. What do you do?
You treat the family as though the mother isn't pregnant as doing otherwise can be seen as a fair housing violation
What are the 5 categories the phone score card is graded on?
Greeting and Attitude, Collection of Guest Card Information, Control of Conversation and Overcoming Objections, Appointment Set, and Notation in Entrata
You tour a 7+ bedroom and they are hesitant to get an application started, how do you proceed?
Invite them back to the office to speak with the team to see if there are any specials or deals we can offer them
What 2 things should you do when someone says they are no longer interested?
1st: Ask them why they aren't interested
2nd: See if there is anything we can do to recapture the lead
What year did OSU last win a national championship, who did they beat, and who was the quarterback?
2014-2015 season, Oregon State, and Cardale Jones