What is the tagalog word for talong?
English name of patatas.
A type of meat that is living in the water, can be salt or fresh water, used for human consumption that is covered with scales, has fins and gills.
A type of shellfish has a one valve that covers the whole body.
the process of preparing everything before cooking
mise en place
Proceed to image no. 1
Raddish or labanos
What are the 3 steps of preparing vegetables before cooking?
Wash, peel and chop.
Proceed to image no. 3
What is a checkbox
A type of fish that is has no internal bones and structures. But, they have outer shells.
the Italian term for perfectly cooked pasta, or means to the tooth.
al dente
What do you call a green pigmentation that is responsible for the green color plants and vegetables?
What are the effects of cooking vegetables?
Changes in Texture (Fibers are either softened or thoughened.
Water is either absorbed or lost
Changes in Color
A market form of fish where in it is stored in crushed ice on a daily basis.
Fresh fish
Animals that has segmented shells and and jointed legs. EX. Shrimp and crabs
What is the cheapest desserts?
What is the 7th vegetable in the song bahay-kubo?
Vegetable is a good source of folate (folic acid). What is the help of FOLATE in our body?
Red blood cells
Served in the form in which they are caught but are no longer alive. The head and thorax are intact.
whole fish
English name for talaba.
Give me an example of a bound salad.
Macaroni, potato salad
What are the five factors to consider in purchasing vegetables?
Freshness/Bright in colors,
Absence of decay,
no mechanical damage,
Right degree of maturity
Variety of texture.
What is the name of this vegetable?
A type of fish that can live in the salt and fresh water.
diadromous fish
Market form of shellfish where in the shells are removed
What do you call a person who manages a business?