Capital Punishment
Dr. Kristin Semmens
Quote, Unquote 2
April Fools
Pyramid Scheme

Before Victoria was the capital of BC, it was this city.

What is New Westminster?


It was this year that the Olympic Games were held in Berlin, Germany.

What is 1936?


"Let them eat cake."

Who is Marie Antoinette?


Many people assumed GMail was an April Fool's Joke when it was launched on April 1st of this year.

What is 2004?


Before the Lincoln Cathedral was constructed, this building was the tallest man-made structure in the world.

What is the Great Pyramid of Giza?


Germany has had several cities serve as their capital in the 20th century, including Berlin, Weimar, and Flensburg. This city was the provisional capital of West Germany in the wake of WWII.

What is Bonn?


The Beatles got their start playing in clubs in this West-German city.

What is Hamburg?


"There's a sucker born every minute"

Who is P.T. Barnum?


Abandoned in 79 AD, the ruins of this city were rediscovered by a Spanish military engineer in 1748.

What is Pompeii?


The Ziggurat of Ur, located in modern day Iraq, has more than 400 bullet holes in its walls, a result of its use as a battleground in this war.

What is the Gulf War?


Though many capital cities border other nations, these two capitals are the only ones to border another capital (each other).

What are Vatican City and Rome?


This "act of God", occurring early in the life of Martin Luther, made him devote his life to becoming a monk.

What is getting struck by lightning?


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

Who is Nelson Mandela?


Nutopia, a nation with no laws, leaders, citizens, or boarders, was founded by these two musicians in 1973.

Who are John Lennon and Yoko Ono


The largest pyramid in the Americas is 98 meters tall, and located in this city.

What is Memphis, Tennessee?


This capital city has a zoo with several famous attractions: A chimpanzee that smokes cigarettes, a parrot that recites poetry, and the only pet dogs in the entire nation.

What is Pyongyang?


In Attack of the Clones, Sir Christopher Lee's character uses a lightsaber with a curved hilt, based upon the curved sword of this Holy Roman Emperor, who was also an ancestor of Lee's.

Who is Charlemagne?


"Every human being is the author of his own health or disease"

Who is The Buddha?


This city was the first in America to employ fulltime, professional firefighters in 1853.

What is Cincinnati, Ohio?


Egypt has 138 known pyramids, but this nearby nation has over 250, the most known pyramids of any country on earth.

What is Sudan?


The current capital of Indonesia is Jakarta, but due to rising sea levels, it is being moved to this city on the island of Borneo.

What is Nusantara?


Germany's Solnhofen formation is a hotspot for dinosaur fossils, including a dozen of these small, bird-like dinosaurs.

What is Archaeopteryx?


“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Who is Voltaire?


The 1919 Stanley Cup Final was canceled due to the Spanish Flu pandemic. These two teams were to play.

What are the Montreal Canadiens and the Seattle Metropolitans?


This poet wrote the words "Who, then, was Cestius, and what is he to me?... I can recall no word, Of anything he did; For me he is a man who died and was interred, To Leave a pyramid.” upon visiting Rome in 1887.

Who is Tom Hardy?