Snack Attack
Bizarre Foods
Breakfast of Champions
Food Fight
Mystery Meals

"This chip brand dares you to eat just one, knowing full well that you're already halfway through the bag."

What is Lay's?


"This dish proves someone once looked at raw fish eggs and thought, 'Yeah, that belongs on crackers.'"

What is caviar?"


"This round morning food is the reason your toaster works overtime, especially when it's smeared with cream cheese or peanut butter."

What is a bagel?


"Notorious for starting debates, this pizza topping divides friendships faster than Monopoly."

"What is pineapple?"


"This cafeteria favorite's name doesn't clarify if it’s made with a man named Joe or why he's so sloppy."

"What is a Sloppy Joe?"


"This snack is so salty and twisted, it might be your spirit food during a bad day."

"What are pretzels?"


"This fermented Korean side dish is made of spicy, pickled cabbage and has a distinct tangy flavor."

"What is kimchi?"


"This fancy breakfast favorite, often served at brunch, features poached eggs, an English muffin, and Hollandaise sauce.

"What is Eggs Benedict?"


"This beloved condiment is made from egg yolks, oil, and vinegar, and it’s often spread on sandwiches or used in salads."

"What is mayonnaise?"


"This Chinese-American dish hides a fortune inside its crispy folds."

"What is a fortune cookie?"


"This salty snack was invented by a janitor in Disneyland’s Anaheim location and originally sold as a warm treat for $0.10.

"What are churros?"


"This tropical fruit looks like a dragon’s egg and is named after the mythical creature."

"What is dragon fruit?"


"This breakfast dish, made with stale bread soaked in egg and milk, is called "pain perdu" in French, meaning "lost bread."

"What is French toast?"


"This spicy Mexican sauce, often served with enchiladas, gets its dark color from chocolate and chiles."

"What is mole?"


"This traditional American potluck favorite looks like a salad but hides layers of pudding, whipped cream, and cookies."

"What is a banana pudding trifle?"


"This candy-coated chocolate snack was developed for soldiers in WWII because it wouldn't melt in their hands

"What are M&M’s?"


"These green, pod-like snacks from Japan are immature soybeans, often steamed and sprinkled with salt."

"What is edamame?"


"Despite its name, this 'breakfast meat' was first produced by Hormel Foods in 1937 and has little to do with mornings."

"What is Spam?"


"Named after a British Earl, this food invention allows people to eat a meal with one hand while playing cards with the other."

"What is a sandwich?"


 Popular in the Southern U.S., this dish is made from boiled cornmeal and is sometimes fried into sticks or cakes."

"What are grits?"


"This triangular tortilla chip was originally released in 1966 with the tagline, 'The Chip That Was Made to Dip.'"

"What are Doritos?"


 "This traditional Scottish breakfast dish is made with oats, onions, and sheep organs, but don’t worry, it’s often served without the stomach casing now." 

"What is haggis?"


"This Middle Eastern breakfast dish of poached eggs in spiced tomato sauce has become a global sensation.

"What is shakshuka?"  


"This dessert is named after a Russian ballerina and features a crispy meringue base topped with whipped cream and fruit."

"What is pavlova?"


"This British dessert, often served during the holidays, has a name that might mislead you—it contains no meat but plenty of dried fruits and spices."

"What is mincemeat pie?"