What is my favorite video game
Rocket League
What do I like to do in my free time (that’s not video games)
Play outside
What is my McDonald’s order
Large fry 10Piece nugget and sprite
What 3 friends live in my neighborhood
Jake, Max, James
What is my birthday including year
September 4 ,2012
What is the name of my main Fortnite skin
Runaway racer
How many animals do I have
Do I like laffy taffy
Who are my 2 main friends at school
Elizabeth and Aiyah
What is my favorite state to vacation in
What rank am I in rocket league 2v2
Gold 1 division 3
What country do I want to visit the most
What is my favorite dessert
Which one of you are my favorite
All of you are
Why do I put my grappler in the last slot of my inventory
So I can switch to my shotgun faster
What season did I start playing Fortnite
Ch 2 S 2
Name 4 other friends I have
Jake ,Max ,James ,Liam ,Elizabeth ,Aiyah ,Cole ,Tucker
On 1 to 10 how much do I like eating uranium
Me and Alex were friends in kindergarten who was are 3rd person
What is my favorite jolly rancher flavor
Blue raspberry
What is my current Fortnite level
LvL 338
How many members are in my family (not including pets and including me)
What is my favorite food
Crab legs
Who’s house did we first all go to
Owen and Myles Moms
What is my favorite school subject