This founding father was our first president of the United States.
Who is George Washington
Allowed a tax on the colonist to be imposed to help pay for the British war debt
Who is King George
This act infuriated the colonist because it taxed all their paper products.
What is the Stamp Act?
The legislative, executive and judicial branch
The right to petition, speech, religion
What is the First Amendment
Known as the "Father of the Constitution"
Who is James Madison
Event in which colonist dressed as Native Americans and dropped tea into a harbor
What is the Boston Tea Party
A document that gave the people the freedom to make their own decisions and have only 1 form of government
What is the Articles of Conferations
Which branch is responsible for carrying out laws?
The legislative branch
The Sixth Amendment states that
Famous for the words, "Give me liberty or give me death"
Who is Patrick Henry
An alliance between the French and the Indians
What was the French and Indian war
This law stated that only the British company, the East India Company could sell tea to the colonists
What is the Tea Act
Which branch is responsible for interpreting the laws?
The judical branch
Protects one from unlawful search and seizures
What is the Fourth Amendment
Found for additional individual and states rights in the to balance federal power
Who is George Mason
An express rider who is known for shouting, " The British are coming, the British are coming" !
Who is Paul Revere
An act in which taxes were placed on all manufactured goods.
What is the Townshed Act
Which branch is the president associated with?
What is the executive branch?
The 2nd Amendment states that
What is one has the right to bear arms
He was not a president but an inventor and scientist
Who is Benjamin Franklin
This Native America chief attacked forts and towns after colonist rushed to build roads and towns on Native American land
Who is Pontiac
What is the Declaration of Independance
Which branch can declare war?
The legislative branch
Rights that belong to the state
What is the 10th Amendment