Great Books Week
Yo Go, Girl!
Farm idioms
Famous Failures
Sounds Better in Latin

Miss Havisham is a tragic character who lived in her wedding dress and stopped all her clocks at the time she was jilted in this 1861 novel by Charles Dickens

What is Great Expectations?


This ingredient is commonly used to make sour candies like Sour Patch Kids and Warheads sour.

What is Citric Acid?


This Swedish environmental activist organized the student-led movement Fridays For Future and works diligently to reduce the collective carbon footprint. She has been nominated for two Nobel Peace Prizes so far. 

Who is Greta Thunberg?


One could only hope to be this:

What is happy as a pig in mud?


This Mainer faced hundreds of rejection letters for his early works. His first major success, "Carrie," almost didn’t happen because he initially threw the manuscript away. Luckily, his wife Tabitha encouraged him to keep going, and it became his breakthrough hit. 

Who is Stephen King?


The classy thing to say when you've had too much to drink and have just said something that is decidedly not classy: In Vino Veritas means this in English 

What is There is truth in wine.?


This book holds the record for being the most often stolen book from public libraries.

What is the Guinness Book of World Records?


According to Mr. Owl, it takes this many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie roll center of a Tootsie Pop.


At age 13, believing she was on a mission from God but having no military experience, this girl led the French army in a major victory against the English at Orléans during the Hundred Years’ War and helped make it possible for Charles VII to regain the kingdom in 1429.

Who is Joan of Arc?


Doing this equine idiom means to keep talking about a subject that has already been discussed or decided.

What is beat a dead horse?


This Dutch painter is now celebrated as one of the greatest artists of all time, but during his life, he struggled with mental health issues and financial instability. He only sold one painting while he was alive, despite his prolific output.

Who is Vincent Van Gogh?


These two words meaning always faithful have long served as motto for families, schools, and organizations - most famously, since 1883, for the United States Marine Corps.

What is Semper Fideles?


 Piscine Molitor Patel and Richard Parker are the main characters in this novel by Yann Martel, about a boy who is shipwrecked with a tiger. Or is he?

What is Life of Pi?


Ronald Reagan is well known for his love of this candy, which he started eating to kick his smoking habit.

What are jelly beans?


In 1960 at the age of 6, she became the first black student to attend William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans and the face of school desegregation. The first-grader faced protests and riots and had to walk to school accompanied by federal marshals. She became an icon and inspiration in the Civil Rights Movement.

Who is Ruby Bridges?


Meaning: flustered and confused. 

Once decapitated, the poultry are not in any pain, but their nerves will still twitch.

What is Running around like a chicken with its head cut off?


He, #16, is one of the most famous and accomplished U.S. presidents but experienced plenty of failures before he was elected to the nation’s highest office. When he was young, he opened a general store in Illinois, but the business failed and he had to declare bankruptcy. He also failed twice to get elected to the U.S. Senate.

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


You may say this: Melita, domi adsum! if you are starring in a 1950s sitcom getting in after a long day at work.

What is Honey, I'm Home!?


 “It was a bright, cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen.” So begins this 1949 novel by George Orwell. 

What is 1984?


Dombringo Ghirardelli started his chocolate empire in 1852 in this western city on the corners of Washington and Kearny Streets. 

What is San Francisco?


She is a Pakistani human rights advocate known for her activism in promoting education for girls. At age 15 she was shot in the face by Taliban soldiers in retaliation for her activism. At the age of 17, she received the Nobel Peace Prize, becoming the youngest Nobel laureate.

Who is Malala Yousafzai ?


This phrase refers to a member of a group who is different from the rest, or who is an odd one out. It is typically used to describe a family member who does not fit in.

Who is the black sheep?


Sir James Dyson's journey to success was filled with perseverance and relentless effort. He built 5,126 failed prototypes before achieving the perfect design for this household item. Each failure taught him something new, pushing him closer to his goal

What is a vacuum cleaner?


If we've learned anything from Philosophy 101 and Rene DeCartes, Cogito Ergo Sum means this "I think, therefore, I am." The phrase Bibo Ergo Sum means this.

What is "I drink, therefore, I am."


This novel by Edith Wharton, set in the Gilded Age in New York City, won the 1921 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, making her the first woman to win the prize. 

What is The Age of Innocence?


In the movie Elf, these are the four main food groups of elves. 

What are candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup?


Nine months before Rosa Parks' famous arrest, this 15-year old stood up against segregation in Alabama by refusing to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery. She was arrested, and was one of the original plaintiffs in Browder v. Gayle, a case that lead the Supreme Court to declare bus segregation unconstitutional.

Who is Claudette Colvin?


This phrase means that we should make the best use of the time that we are given.  We shouldn’t waste good opportunities.

Doing it in the rain can lead to loss of nutrients or mold that makes it inedible. 

What is Make Hay While the Sun Shines?


This man is regarded as one of the greatest baseball players in history. He hit 714 home runs during his career, but he struck out even more: 1,330 times, to be exact. He always viewed his mistakes in a positive light, though: “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.”

Who is Babe Ruth?


As we near election day, remember Vox Populi, Vox Dei, which means this. So get out there and do your civic duty. (Reminder, you register and do an absentee ballot here next Thursday, 10/17)

What is "the voice of the people is the voice of God?'