The art in this cave suggests that the artists endeavored to depict three-dimensionality and movement in their artwork
What is the Chauvet Cave?
These prehistoric figures are generally believed to represent a mother and/or goddess
What are the Venus figures?
This prehistoric structure contains examples of abstract Neolithic art carved into its rocks.
What is the Newgrange cave?
In Egypt, this goddess embodied concepts or truth, harmony, and balance
Who is Ma'at?
The time period following the Paleolithic is known as...
What is the Neolithic period?
Several events, including the imbalance of wealth and power, brought an end to this period
What is the Old Kingdom?
This river gave Ancient Egyptians a steady source of water.
What is the Nile?
This group of people made cave painting of animals and people
Who are the Paleolithic people?
Wood huts and caves are two examples of dwellings used by this group of people
Who are the Paleolithic people?
According to Egyptian mythology, this god presides over the souls of the dead
Who is Osiris?
This development is a key factor in the transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic period
What is farming?
This pharoah reunified Upper and Lower Egypt during the Middle Kingdom.
Who was Mentuhotep?
Egyptian settlements along this river date back to the Neolithic period
What is the Nile River?
Some of our most well-preserved cave art can be found in these two European countries
What is France and Spain?
Imhotep built this structure for the pharaoh king Khufu. It was also the first of its kind.
What is a pyramid?
According to this Egyptian text, a heart found heavier than a feather would not pass into the after life
What is the Book of the Dead?
Paleolithic people were forced to live this kind of lifestyle in order to hunt migrating animals
What is nomadism?
Ahmose I expelled this group of people and begin the New Kingdom in Egypt
Who were the Hyksos?
This prehistoric location was one of the first places in which humans began to record their ideas in written language rather than images.
What is the Newgrange cave?
Many scholars believe prehistoric cultures may have been matriarchal due to the presence of these statues
What are the Venus statues?
This pharaoh used projects like his Great Temple to propagandize his victories in battle
Who was Ramses II?
This group of people believed in a tripartite soul (a soul consisting of 3 parts)
Who were the Ancient Egyptians?
This age follows after the Neolithic period and is distinguished by humans mixing copper and tin.
What is the Bronze Age?
This woman was the last Pharaoh
Who was Cleopatra?
Unlike the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, this river was a predictable source of water for the Egyptians.
What is the Nile River?
Although still debated, many scholars believe this structure was used to indicate seasonal changes in prehistoric culture or may have been used for funerary purposes
What is the Stonehenge?
Akhenaten promoted monotheism in Egypt with his promotion of this god
Who was Aten?
Human beings began constructing housing during this time period.
What is the Paleolithic era?
This pharaoh failed in keeping the Sea Peoples from invading Egypt
Who was Ramses III?
Scholars named these statues after a Roman goddess
What are the Venus statues?
This pharaoh discontinued Akhenaten's promotion of monotheism in Egypt
Who was Tutankamun?
The presence of these statues indicate that the Paleolithic era was governed by a matriarchal order.
What are the Venus figurines?
This tablet memorializes king Narmer's unification of Upper and Lower Egypt
What is the Palette of Narmer?
Egyptians believed these statues served as a resting place for the spirit
What are the Ka Statues?