Muscular Injuries
Brain Lobes and Functions
Brain Lobes and Functions

These are the three different types of injuries that can occur to a muscle belly or its tendon.

What are bruises (contusions), tears (strains), and ruptures (complete tear)?




This lobe of the brain controls aspects of your personality, such as planning, reasoning, impulses, and judgment.

What is the Frontal Lobe?


A patient presents with difficulty with expressive language even though they understand the questions presented to them.  Furthermore, the patient also has difficulty with their short term memory.

Which brain lobe is likely damaged or diseased and what is the name of the type of aphasia associated with this lobe?

What are the Frontal Lobe and Broca's aphasia?


This is the proper at home treatment for a patient with a grade I or grade II muscle strain that does not require surgery.

What is R.I.C.E.D.?

Rest         Compression

Ice           Elevation



This lobe is damaged if someone is suffering from language comprehension 

Name the lobe and the type of aphasia.

What are the temporal lobe and Wernicke's aphasia?


What are the names of the first two cervical vertebrae and their collective action?

What are C1 (Atlas) and C2 (Axis) and head/neck ROTATION?



This is how an orthopedic surgeon would describe a Grade Three Muscular Strain of the hamstrings.

What is a complete rupture?


This lobe receives and processes sensory information.

ESP. Pain and pressure

What is the Parietal Lobe?


These are the major functions of the spinal CORD.

What is the chief nerve to send motor signals from the brain to body to interpret and send sensory signals from the spinal cord to the brain and back to the body for the body to interpret internal and external stimuli?


This would not be recommended for the inflammatory stage of a grade II muscular strain.

What is heat, limb depression, and continuing to overuse the muscle or muscle group?


Someone was riding in the back up a pickup truck and the driver slammed on his breaks.  The person in the bed fell backwards and hit their back part of their skull.

Three days later this person is suffering from depth perception and distinguishing colors apart.

Which lobe is affected?

What is the Occipital Lobe?


If the human body has 33 vertebrae total then how many spinal nerve root pairs does the human body have.

What is 31 pair?


These are the estimated times for recovery for a grade I strain, grade II strain, and complete muscle rupture.

What are G1 -- WEEKS

G2 --  2-3 MONTHS

Complete Rupture -- 6 plus MONTHS?


A elderly patient presented with balance and coordination issues especially difficulty descending stairs and walking over uneven terrain.  Which part of the brain is likely damaged?

What is the cerebellum?


The typical human brain has this many cranial hemispheres?

What is two?