True or False: Half of the bones in the human body are located in the hands, wrists, feet, and ankles.
The length of the average human spinal cord (in cm).
45 cm
Of the two sexes, I have more lung capacity.
The name of a breathing technique commonly used when grounding.
Pursed Lip Breathing
How much can the average man deadlift?
155 lbs.
The length of the average human male arm (in inches).
25 inches
The speed at which nerve impulses travel in the human body.
The number of times the human heart beats in one day?
100,000 beats per day
I am the chief muscle used in breathing.
The number of nerve fibers (per square centimeter) in facial skin for males?
17 cm2
The number of bones in the human body.
The diameter of of the average median nerve (in mm) in humans.
9.79 +/- 2.6mm
I make up 10% of your body's weight.
Speech occurs in this phase of breathing.
It has been said that the human eye is a camera- how many megapixels is that camera?
576 megapixels?
The number of muscles in the human body required to take a single step.
The number of nerve cells in the human brain.
86 billion
The strongest muscle in the human body.
The medical term for for high carbon dioxide levels in the blood.
It is the medical term for the extremely rare condition in which you sweat blood.
Found only in humans, I am the only bone in the body that is not connected to any other, and is the foundation of speech.
Hyoid bone
If the human brain was a computer, my processing speed would be (in GHz)?
3,000 GHz
The medical term for a fast heartbeat.
The medical term for low oxygen levels in the blood.
I am the biblical symbol for sin. Through which of the 11 body systems would I enter your body?
Digestive System