Which brain region is slower to mature in teens and may not be fully developed until age 25?
PFC- pre frontal cortex
The number of bones in an adult human body
In the lung model, what is the diaphragm and how does it assist in breathing?
It was the lower balloon over the bottle. It is a thin sheet of skeletal system muscle that contract and lowers when you inhale and relaxes into dome shape when you exhale.
When walking down a street, one should always remember to do this to be safe. (more than one correct answer)
STOP Visibility don't wear hoodies no phones or ear buds
This type of cell is star-shaped, stellate, and transmits signals among the brain and other parts of the body
Neuron or nerve cell
What happens during myelination during adolescence?
Neurons grow cells called myelin sheath, a fatty, insulating substance that wraps around the axon, leading to faster processing, thinking, and responding.
When muscles contract they use up _________ that your body makes via the process of cellular respiration
Energy or ATP
Name 3 cells present in your blood and what they do.
Red blood cell- transports oxygen to cells white blood cells- fights disease/bacteria Platelets- blood clotting
Explain the correct way to use a seatbelt and why.
Shoulder strap should be over clavicle Belt strap should sit low on the hips Webbing of seat belt helps slow down the acceleration of you when you are in a car crash
What are cell cycle checkpoints?
Check-ins where the cell must be ready for the next stage of division or growth before it occurs. Errors in this process can lead to cancer
What is cortical folding?
The grooves on the cortex add surface area for more neurons and connections among them
What is the largest and heaviest bone in the human body?
Explain 3 factors that affect heart health.
+ Exercise, heart pumps more blood to body, gets conditioned with aerobic exercise -Smoking- damages heart vessels, leads to stroke, blood clots, higher blood pressure, and plaque building up in arteries -Diet high in saturated fat and sugar: leads to atherosclerosis- fatty plaque build-up in arteries that can result in a heart attack, myocardial infarction!
Who needs to carry an Epi-pen and why? Which chemical is in the pen?
People with life-threatening allergies: food, pollen, animals, etc. Epinephrine or adrenaline is in the tube. It stops the allergic reaction and re-opens vital airways so you can breathe.
Name 2 kinds of cells that once formed, never divide or go through mitosis again.
Neurons/nerve cells Muscle cells
If neurons don't touch one another, how can they communicate?
They use chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. They send signals between neurons past the synapse.
Name two bones that are part of the axial skeleton
Cranium, spinal cord, ribs
What role does your nose play in respiration?
Warms, moistens and filters the air
Explain what force = mass x acceleration has to do with a car crash and saving lives
Faster miles per hour driving speed means more acceleration which means you will be hit with a larger force= more dangerous Objects in motion will stay in motion!
Which of the following cells do the lamprey eel and humans have in common?
Bone cells- osteocytes Cells that make up the jaw Fat cells- adipose tissue
Name the 4 regions of the cerebrum, the thinking region of the brain.
Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Occipital lobe Temporal lobe
Are bones alive? Why or why not?
Yes- they consist of a matrix of cells, protein, and minerals (calcium and phosphorus)
What is a basal resting pulse and how is it calculated?
It is your pulse when you are not talking or moving. You are standing still. It is how many times your heart is beating per minute. It is a measure of cardiovascular fitness and blood pressure.
You are hiking at Multnomah Falls and you fall and get a bad laceration/cut. It is bleeding a lot. What should you do?
Call 911, if cell service. Ice pack or something cold (walk into water?) Have the person sit down or lie down. Apply pressure to stop the bleeding and do not remove bandage or shirt to "check" on the wound- platelets will help it clot. If bones are broken, make a makeshift sling/splint.
What is cell specialization?
Cell specialization is when a multicellular eukaryotic organism has evolved many different types of cells to carry out different processes in their body. e.g. nerve cells to communicate, red blood cells to carry oxygen to body tissues, and muscle cells to contract and enable movement.