The amount of lungs in 12 humans
What are 24 lungs?
The name of what you breathe out
What is carbon dioxide?
The bone on a pirate flag
What is a skull
The two colours of muscles
What are red and white muscles
The job of the stomach
What is breaking down food
What you blow out after you take a breath
What is CO2?
The colour of your blood
What is red?
a joint
What is a place where 2 bones connect?
The amount of muscles in the human body
What Your salivary glands provide
What is saliva
The name of the tube that connects the mouth to the lungs
What is the Trachea
The Name of the Blood vessel transporting blood to your muscles
What is an artery?
What bone marrow produces
What are red and white blood cells
The body's biggest tendon
What is the Achilles tendon
The length of the small intestine
What are 6 meters
The name of the time when your lungs are infected
what is pneumonia
The Name of the Blood vessel transporting blood to your heart
What is a vein?
The body's smallest bone
What is the stapes
The 2 most important muscles in the body
What are the heart and the diaphragm
The name of the unnecessary organ
What is the appendix?
The name of the organ that all mammals have
What is the diaphragm
The name of the two types of circulatory systems
What are the systemic and pulmonary systems?
The body's biggest joint
What is the knee
What is 85% heat
The location of the jejunum
Where is the middle of the small intestine