How many lungs do 45 people have in total?
The answer is 90 lungs.
What is the first thing that happens when you take a bite of food into your mouth?
The answer is a fluid that is a lot like saliva breaks it down and makes it easier to go down your throat and be dissolved to get nutrients out of it.
How many muscles does the average person have in their whole entire body?
The average person has 600 muscles in their body.
How many bones does the average adult human have in their body?
The correct answer is the adult human has 206 bones in their body.
What is the circulatory system?
Circulatory system with his manly made up of your heart blood vessels veins and red blood cells and white blood cells.
What is the first thing that happens when you breathe in through your nose?
The first thing that happens when you breathe in through your nose is the micro hairs and your nose separate the big pieces of dust and don't let you breathe in the big pieces of dust and then you get to keep the Clean Air.
How many times does the average person breathe in everyday?
The answer is we breathe in about 22,000 times a day.
How does your muscles connect to your bones?
The answer is your muscles connect to your bones by joints and tendons which work together as basically Super Glue.
What is the biggest bone in your body and what is it called?
The biggest bone in your body is called your femur bone.
What is the main reason people have a heart attacks
The main reason is fat and salt building up in their organs
What happens after the oxygen goes through your lungs?
Then it goes into veins that pump the oxygen all around your body.
What is the most important part of your digestive system?
The correct answer is actually all of the organs.
What part of your body is eaten on most other animals and is considered a delicacy?
The correct answer is bone marrow.
How many ribs do you have in your body?
You have 24 ribs in your body two sets of 12.
What is the most important thing in the circulatory system?
The most important thing in your circulatory system is your heart.
What are all the things inside of the respiratory system?
The answer is nose, mouth, throat, voice box, windpipe, lungs, and there are seven different things inside of the respiratory system.
How many organs do you have in your body?
The answer is 10 organs.
What is the most important muscle in your body?
The correct answer is the diaphragm and the Heart.
How many bones do you have in your jaw and skull?
The answer is 22.
How many veins do you have in your circulatory system?
The answer it varies and it's can sometimes be very random numbers.
What are the two most important parts of the respiratory system?
Answer is the diaphragm and the lungs.
How many seconds does it take for a piece of food once you swallow for it to travel down your stomach?
Answer is it takes around 7 seconds for a piece of food to travel down to your stomach.
What is the biggest muscle in your body?
The biggest muscle in your body is called the gluten Maximus.
Where is the smallest bone in your body and what is it called?
The answer is it is in your ear and it is called the stapes.
Why is the circulatory system called the circulatory system?
It is called that because it stands for cardiovascular system.