Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
Nervous System
Digestive and Excretory Systems
Application Questions/Random

The lungs are part of which organ system?

A. Digestive

B. Respiratory

C. Excretory

D. Circulatory 



Which of the following types of tissue relays messages between the brain and the rest of the body?

A. Nerve

B. Muscle

C. Vascular

D. Connective



Which human body system's primary job is to breakdown nutrients for use throughout the body?

A. Respiratory

B. Digestive

C. Skeletal

D. Excretory



What body system changes the food we eat to energy?

A. Skeletal system

B. Nervous system

C. Digestive system

D. Respiratory system

Digestive system


True or False: The brain is part of the nervous system.



When you breathe,__________________is taken in and______________is pushed out.

A. Oxygen and carbon dioxide

B. Carbon dioxide and oxygen

C. Air and oxygen

D. Both A and B

Oxygen and carbon dioxide


Which body system is responsible for rapid communication and control between other systems of the body and brain?

A. Digestive system

B. Respiratory system

C. Circulatory system

D. Nervous system

Nervous system


The kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra are all part of which body system?

A. Digestive

B. Respiratory

C. Excretory

D. Circulatory



The digestive system __________________, while the excretory system ______________.

A. Gets nutrients to the body; gets rid of wastes.

B. Gets rid of wastes; gets nutrients to the body.

C. Stores nutrients in the body; gets rid of wastes.

D. Gets rid of wastes; stores nutrients in the body.

Gets nutrients to the body; gets rid of wastes.

True or False: Organs are classified as more complex than systems.

The highway system resembles the__________system in that it uses different kinds of roads to allow the transport of people and things. The__________ system uses veins, arteries, and capillaries to transport blood and nutrients to different parts of the body. Which system compares to the highway system?

A. Digestive

B. Circulatory

C. Excretory

D. Skeletal



Without the nervous system, you couldn’t______________.

A. Walk

B. Breathe

C. Think

D. All of the above

All of the above


True or False: The stomach is part of the excretory system.



Just like the ____________system, a garbage disposal takes food and breaks it down using blades, water, and a motor to pass it through pipes, which dispose of it. Which system compares to a garbage disposal?

A. Digestive

B. Nervous

C. Respiratory

D. Skeletal



Where does the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide take place?

A. Trachea

B. Bronchi 

C. Bronchioles

D. Alveoli 



The circulatory and respiratory system work together to carry out their functions. Which of the following statements provides the best evidence of this?

A. Nutrients are absorbed into the blood from the intestines.

B. Lungs expand and contract through movements of the diaphragm

C. New red blood cells are generated in the marrow of bones

D. Gases exchanged in the lungs are carried by the blood

Lungs expand and contract through movements of the diaphragm


The nervous system is made up of these three parts:

A. Brain, heart, and spinal cord

B. Brain, spinal cord, and nerves

C. Nerves, arteries, and veins

D. Nerves, liver, and heart

Brain, spinal cord, and nerves


Choose the order in which a piece of food would pass through the digestive system.

A. Mouth, stomach, esophagus, large intestine, small intestine

B. Mouth, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, esophagus

C. Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

D. Mouth, esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine

Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine


The_______________system is similar to the water cycle in that it uses various organs to remove waste from liquid. The water in the water cycle goes through different stages as impurities are removed. Which system compares to the water cycle?

A. Digestive

B. Respiratory

C. Excretory

D. Circulatory



Which of the following is the order of organization from the simplest to most complex?

A. System, cell, tissue, organ

B. Cell, tissue, organ, system

C. Organ, system, cell, tissue

D. Tissue, organ, system, cell

Cell, tissue, organ, system


A fish uses its gills for breathing and takes in oxygen from water. Compare and contrast how a fish and a human breathe. Include at least one similarity and one difference.

A fish uses its gills for breathing and takes in oxygen from water. Humans use their lungs for breathing and takes in oxygen from the air. Humans and fish both breathe in oxygen.


Maria decided to reach for a glass of water that was on the kitchen table. Which body system sent instructions to her arm to make it move toward the glass of water?

A. Skeletal

B. Nervous

C. Circulatory

D. Muscular



Label the diagram of the digestive system.

A - Esophagus

B - Stomach

C - Large Intestine

D - Small Intestine


How does the heart and lungs work together to distribute oxygen throughout the human body?

The heart pumps blood through the lungs. When you inhale, oxygen comes into the lungs. While in the lungs, oxygen is absorbed by blood cells, and carbon dioxide is released into the lungs. The heart then pumps the blood throughout the body, distributing the oxygen where it is needed.


Explain how the digestive system is like a garbage disposal.

Like the digestive system, a garbage disposal takes food and breaks it down using blades, water, and a motor to pass it through pipes, which dispose of it.