Exploring Human Development
Physical Development t
Death, Dying, Grieving
Moral Development

Pg.280 A debate in the scientific community where one side refers to a person’s biological inheritance while the other refers to an individual’s environment

 What is Nature vs. Nurture


Pg.283 The development of a child before birth from conception to the fetal stage

What is prenatal development


Pg.320 What is Terror Management Theory 

Terror Management Theory is when being part of a larger culture protects us from the terror of our own mortality


Pg.316 Lawrence Kohlberg developed the theory of what? 

What is Moral Development


Pg.281 A person’s ability to recover or adapt at difficult times

What is Resilience


Pg.284 _______ is a catalyst for birth defects, and can be defined as substances that are ingested by the mother.

What is Teratogen


Pg.321 Kubler-Ross Stages of Dying 

What is Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, And Acceptance


Pg 317. What is a name used for Kohlberg's theory?

The Justices Perspective


Pg.280 A gene that is responsible for a person’s physical appearance

What is Genotype


Pg.284 A result from teratogen, causes abnormalities and problems for a baby whose mother consumed alcohol. These abnormalities include wide-spaced eyes, a flattened nose, and an underdeveloped top lip.

What is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)


Pg.321 What was Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Known most for 

What is Her Book on Death and Dying 


Pg.318 What is prosocial behavior?

Behavior that is intended to benefit other people.


Pg.282 One of the three domains of development, involves changes such as hormonal change and motor skills

What is Physical processes


Pg.285 Natural abilities infants can do such as suck and swallow, or for example, if an infant is dropped in water they will naturally hold their breaths

What is Reflexes


Pg. 321 What is Bonanno's Theory of Grieving 

What is Resilience, Recovery, Chronic Dysfunction, and Delayed grief of Trauma 


Pg 317. What are Kohlage's three stages of moral development?

What is Preconventional, Conventional, And Post Conventional of moral Development


Pg.282 The period of which a child is newly born to 24 months of age

What is Infancy


Pg.286 One of the key ways an infant learns especially in the early stages of development; giving an infant an option between two visual things to see which they’d prefer

What is Preferential-looking


Pg. 320 Who created the Theory of Terror Management 

Who is Ernest Becker 


Page 318: A recent study indicated that children under two demonstrate _____, towards those in need. As well as begin to understand which principles? 

What is Empathy & Fairness