Research Methods & Designs
Research Studies/Experiments

The scientific method that tests a hypothesis and uses independent/dependent variables, random assignment, and control/experimental groups. 

What is Experimental method?


He developed the Psychoanalytic Theory consisting of (Drive theory; Theory of Psychosexual development; Id, ego, superego) based primarily on case studies. 

Who is Freud?


This developed the idea of Critical periods. Specifically, it discovered that there is a biologically determined window where language acquisition must occur for it to be fully successful.

What is Case of Genie?


The research design that follows the same individuals of study over a long period of time. 

What is Longitudinal research design?


He developed the Psychosocial Theory which consists of 8 stages each with a social “crisis”.

Who is Erik Erikson?


This was conducted by John Watson and demonstrated classical conditioning using the neutral stimulus of a white rat and an unconditioned stimulus of a loud noise to eventually create a conditioned response of fear. 

What is Little Albert Experiment?


The scientific method that tests if an independent variable is correlated with a dependent variable outcome, but does not use random assignment.

What is Quasi-experiment?


He developed a theory of human cognitive development that consists of 4 stages (Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete operational, Formal operational)

Who is Jean Piaget?


This was conducted by Albert Bandura, demonstrating the Social Learning theory (learning via operant conditioning can take place vicariously through social observation). 

What is Bobo Doll Experiment?


The research design that captures a single point in time and is often accompanied by follow-up studies to control/mediate for Cohort Effects.

What is Cross-Sectional design?


He developed the Sociocultural Theory that focuses on how social interactions influence cognitive development. He also developed the concept of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), the ideal range where learning occurs. 

Who is Lev Vygotsky?


This was conducted by B.F. Skinner, demonstrating Operant Conditioning (using law of consequences that shape frequency/intensity of behavior). A rat was placed in a box and learned to press a lever to get food (positive reinforcement).

What is Skinner Box?


The in-depth examination within the context of a specific culture (researchers embed themselves in the culture for many years).

What is Ethnographic research?


He developed the maturation theory that says development has no nurture components. Using Norm-Reference Tests, he established the unlearned processes of development in children (normative milestones in 4 areas: Motor, Cognitive, Language, Personal-Social Behavior)

Who is Arnold Gesell?


This was conducted by Harry Harlow and demonstrated that infant primates prioritize comfort/contact over nourishment when forming attachments (relationship not only with feeding parent)

What is the Surrogate Mother experiment?