Children gravitate toward peers away from their parents.
What is the understanding of Erikson of this stage?
When accepting responsibility for oneself. Making independent decisions, and becoming financially independent.
What are the factors of being an adult?
There are novice phase, mid-era, and culmination.
What are the phase structure of an adult?
He proposed identity development as interaction between crises and commitments.
Who is James Marcia?
As per 2020, 52% of people between 18-29 live in their parent house. And it has been steadily increasing since the covid-19 pandemic. Individuals are waiting longer and longer to get married. Marriage is less popular overall, Individuals are waiting longer to have children and individuals are more educated than ever.
In your own words, explain different trends toward adulthood in modern society?
There are 58.7 millions married couples in the U.S
What are the number of household in the U.S?(in millions)
It happens when we see ramifications in behaviors. We began to avoid areas in which our concept of self-efficacy is low. Development of self-concept begins to show patterns of universality.
What is the self-concept development?
They are cognitive changes, physical changes, and changes in heart, lungs and homeostasis.
What are the formal changes in adulthood?
This is called as assortative mating theory/homogamy.
How do you called when an individual are drawn to others that are like themselves?
It's an awkward stage of life. Research showed a trend in lower self-esteem, and individuals differ in patterns of self-esteem in adolescence.
What is self-esteem in Adolescence?
In early adulthood, the brain has a sustained development of the frontal lobes. The frontal lobes develop between 17 and 22 years old and have a continuous development of planning, logic and decision-making.
What are the change in the Brain?
The trend is moving toward childless household.
What is trend in parenthood in the U.S?
Understanding a person in their frame of reference rather than our own. Empathy and logic are foundational bases for morality.
What is empathy? and what is the base of morality?
The risk rises and fertility rate decreases. For Women window of fecundity closes with the menopause. For men sperm count and motility is reduced but reproductive ability remains.
What are the risks for pregnancy in older women and men?
They tend to encourage their children to pursue higher education.
What is the trend in family with higher education?