space time compression is
reduction in time it takes for something to reach another place
cartography is
the science of mapmaking
define scale
the portion of the map we are looking at vs the earth as a whole
example of renewable resource
trees, food, water, minerals, animals
environmental determinism
physical environment caused social development
diffusion is
process by which feature spreads across space from one place to another over time
culture means
to care for
what is a hearth
a region from which innovative ideas originate or begin such as the middle east
example of nonrenewable resource
petroleum, coal, natural gas
physical environment may limit some human actions, but people have the ability to adjust to their environment
what are the two types of concentrations of a feature
clustered (close together) or dispersed (spread out)
cultural landscape is
A cultural landscape is made up of structures within the physical landscape caused by human imprint/human activities. Ex: buildings, artwork, Protestant churches in the US South - Cathedrals in Southern/western Europe, mosques in Southwest Asia
this makes up a region
distance decay is
diminishing and eventual disappearance of a phenomenon as you increase distance from its origin
tell me why south florida has an unsustainable ecosystem
the everglades were modified which polluted water
name the climate regions
warm mid
cold mid
what is relocation diffusion
when people move from one place to another bringing their cultural beliefs and practices and innovations
physical characteristics of a place like soil, water sources, and vegetation
name the three abiotic physical systems
atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere
tell me why the netherlands has a sustainable ecosystem
polders-land created by draining water
dikes-walls to prevent flooding
preservation means to
maintain resources in their present condition
Contagious diffusion is a kind of cultural diffusion that relies on direct person-to-person contact for the spread of ideas, information, and knowledge.
ex: viral internet trends/memes
formal/uniform region
functional/nodal region
perceptual/vernacular region
everyone shares something in common like religion
area organized around a node
area that people believe exists as part of a cultural identity
abiotic means
biotic means
composed of nonliving organisms
composed of living organisms
name 3 ways culture can be spread
tv, social media, war, food
three pillars of sustainability
environment, society, and economy