Unit 1 Thinking Geographically
Unit 2 Population
Unit 3 Culture
Unit 4 Political Processes
Unit 5 Agriculture

Chinatown is an example of a 

A. Functional Region

B. Nodal Region

C. Perceptual Region

What is a Perceptual Region


The 3 largest population clusters in the world are in 

A. East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia 

B. East Asia, South Asia, South America 

C. Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia 

What is 

A. East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia 


The process by which the English language diffused throughout India under British colonial rule was 

A. Assimilation

B. Hierarchical Diffusion

C. Stimulus Diffusion

What is 

B. Hierarchical Diffusion


Which of the following is the best example of a nation-state?

A. Japan

B. Germany

C. England

What is 

A. Japan


The Green Revolution introduced the use of 

A. maize. 

B. chemical fertilizers 

C. slash and burn agriculture

What is 

B. chemical fertilizers 


The map created by Lewis and Clark could be called a 

A. Thematic Map

B. Choropleth Map 

C. General Purpose Map



In what stage of the demographic transition model are most LDC's?

A. 1st 

B. 2nd 

C. 3rd

D. 4th 

E. 5th 

What is 

B. 2nd 

When an ethnic group completely blends with the larger society, it is called

A. Assimilation 

B. Acculturation

C. Expansion Diffusion 

What is 

A. Assimilation 


A political state whos territory is the same area occupied by people sharing a common heritage and value system is best described as a 

A. Country 

B. Nation 

C. Nation-state

What is 

C. Nation-state


The practice of shifting cultivation is 

A. Slash and burn agriculture 

B. pastoral nomadism 

C. Agribusiness

What is 

A. Slash and burn agriculture


If you wanted to see the location of the city building in Seattle, Washington, you would need a 

A. Large-scale map 

B. Small-scale map

C. Graduated circle map

A. Large-scale map


Which of the following demographic statistics best measures the level of reproduction occurring in a population?




What is 



Which one of the following is the best example of a cultural landscape of pop culture?

A. Central Business District 

B. Commercial Strip 

C. Shopping Mall

What is 

C. Shopping Mall


National Anthems, flags, and holidays are all symbols that promote 

A. irredentism 

B. nationalism 

C. regionalism

What is 

B. nationalism 


Which of the following statements does not correctly describe plantations?

A. They are usually found in tropical regions.

B. They often employ alien laborers. 

C. They usually specialize in producing one crop.

D. The soil type is the main element in determining what a plantation produces

What is 

D. The soil type is the main element in determining what a plantation produces


Human Geography is the study of 

A. The Physical Process of the Earth 

B. Who lives where, how they live, and why they live there.

C. How humans have evolved over time. 

B. Who lives where, how they live, and why they live there.


This type of pyramid has a wide base and a narrow tip which is a sign of a developing country as birth rates are high and life expectancy is low. 

A. Constrictive 

B. Expansive 

C. Stationary 

What is 

B. Expansive 


Which of the following world religions is one that proselytizes, or actively seeks converts?

A. Judaism 

B. Hinduism 

C. Buddhism

What is 

C. Buddhism

The United Kingdom is an example of _________ because multiple nations coexist as one state. 

A. Nation-state

B. Multi-state nation

C. Multinational state

What is 

C. Multinational state


All of the following factors are serious negative consequences of the Green Revolution EXCEPT...

A. Excessive salinity of soils

B. Serious Ground water depletion 

C. Increased crop production

What is 

C. Increased crop production. 

The Christian Religion in South America first spread by

A. Stimulus Diffusion 

B. Relocation Diffusion

C. Contagious Diffusion

What is 

B. Relocation Diffusion


Which of the following statements is most characteristic of a refugee?

A. They usually move with official documentation.

B. They take all of their physical possessions with them.

C. Their first steps are often made on foot, by boat, wagon or bicycle.

What is 

C. Their first steps are often made on foot, by boat, wagon or bicycle.


Which on of the following does not correctly associate a religion with its place of worship?

A. Shinto-shrines 

B. Islam-Mosques 

C. Buddhism-Pyramids

What is 

C. Buddhism-Pyramids


Which term describes the forces that unify and strengthen a country?

A. Diffusion

B. Centrifugal 

C. Centripetal

What is 

C. Centripetal 


The goal of commercial agriculture is 

A. minimal food security 

B. profit maximization

C. sustainable farming practices

What is 

B. profit maximization