Intro to Geography
Colonialism and Migration
Conflict Over Place
Human-Environment Relationships
Economic and Urban Geography
GIS is the acronym for this geographic technology.
What is Geographic Information Systems/Science?
The Industrial Revolution began in this country, allowing it to become the most powerful country in Europe by the late 18th century.
What is Britain?
Jerusalem's Temple Mount is a holy site in these three religions.
What are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity?
The most common sweetener in fast food is made from this crop.
What is corn? The ingredient is high fructose corn syrup.
These two cities made the most headlines in 2014-2015 for mass protests against police brutality.
What are Baltimore, MD and Ferguson, MO?
These are the three main branches of geography.
What are human, physical, and techniques?
The Berlin Conference of 1884–85 was a meeting between European nations to divide Africa among them for colonization. __% of the dignitaries in attendance had previously visited the African continent.
What is 0?
This country is Israel's most powerful ally.
What is the United States?
This two-word nickname described an abnormally cold winter across the United States in early 2014.
What is the "polar vortex"?
This county has the highest poverty rate of counties over 100,000 inhabitants, according to 2010 census data.
What is Athens-Clarke County?
The study of landforms fits into this branch of geography.
What is physical?
This U.S. president deported the largest number of undocumented migrants in U.S. history.
Who is Barack Obama?
Syrian president ______ ordered mass crackdowns and military sieges on protesters participating in the multi-country uprising known as the Arab Spring, leading to the Syrian Civil War.
Who is Bashar Al-Assad?
A new study published in Geophysical Research Letters predicts that if greenhouse gases continue to get pumped into the atmosphere at the current rate, the majority of the Arctic basin will be ice-free in September by the year ____.
What is 2040?
The United Nations estimated in 2010 that more than ___ people worldwide live in inadequate housing in urban areas.
What is 1.75 billion?
An urban geographer from this country died during the November 2015 ISIS attack on Paris's Bataclan concert hall.
What is France?
The majority of undocumented immigrants living in the United States have __ paths to citizenship.
What is 0?
Name two of the three main territories of Palestine.
What are the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Golan Heights?
One single hamburger produced by fast food companies could include the flesh of how many different cattle?
What is 800?
Which country's economy receives the most benefit from iPhone sales?
What is the United States?
Geography has its strongest roots in this country.
What is Britain?
The majority of unaccompanied minors who migrated to the United States in 2014, and who have been deported in large numbers, came from these three countries.
What are El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
__% of the Israeli public sees only a small chance that “sometime in the future Jews and Arabs will be able to live in a single state as citizens with equal rights who recognize each other’s rights.” __% of the Palestinian public regards the chances of egalitarian coexistence as small.
What is 87; 68?
The US consumes __% of the world's energy with __% of the world's population.
What is 25; 4.59?
The region of the United States whose manufacturing economy has been in decline since the 1970s is nicknamed the "____ Belt."
What is "Rust"?