Who made the Bobo doll experiment?
a. Erikson
b. Bandura
Who created the Hierarchy of Needs?
a. Abraham Maslow
b. Lawrence Kohlbery
Abraham Maslow
Who made the bell experiment?
Ivan Pavlov
Who focuses on Behavior
Where hearing, sight, memories, smell, speech, are processed and our ability to understand language in the wernicke's area
"Developing academic and social skills, success leads to sense of worth and failure leads to feeling of inferiority"
a. Erikson
b. Bandura
which of these two created the Heinz Dilemma?
a. Abraham
b. Lawrence
Conditioned Stimulus means?
An act that has been trained (Dog salivating to the sound of a bell)
what is the difference between Reinforcement and Punishment?
Reinforcement-- is a WANT
Punishment-- what you DO NOT want
What is the Occipital Lobe?
Occipital lobe is where sight and visual understanding are processed
Define A.M.I.M
Attention, Memory, Imitate, Motivation
What are the different levels to the Stages of Moral Development?
Preconvintional, Conventional, Postconvintional
Unconditional Stimulus means?
An act that is NOT trained (a dog salivating to the smell of food)
what is the difference between positive and negative?
positive: getting something
negative: taking something
What is the Parietal Lobe?
The parietal lobe is where touch, body orientation, understanding shapes, objects, and spacial awareness are processed. It receives impact from all five scenes!
what are Eriksons stages of development?
1-Basic trust vs. Mistrust
2-Autonomy (freedom) vs. Shame/doubt
3-Initiative vs. guilt
4-Industry (school) vs. Inferiority (less than)
5-Identity vs. Confusion
What do the three Stages of Moral Development mean?
Pre: Worried about yourself
Con: Worried about what others think
Post: Worried about OTHER PEOPLE
what are the six Stages of Cognitive Development?
4-New situation
What is ZPD?
Stuff learners can do on their own
What is the Frontal Lobe?
The frontal lobe is where problem solving, math, logic, and understanding right vs boron is processed. This is also where FORMING speech and language occurs. (in Broca's area)
what are the different age groups for Erikson's stages of development?
1: 0-1.5yrs
2: 1.5-3yrs
3: 3-5yrs
4: 6-12yrs
5: 13-18yrs
what is the middle Stage of Moral Development?
what is the last Stage of Cognative development called?
What are the 5 Zones of Proximal Development?
ZPD, Interactions, Scaffolding, Differentiation, Benefits of play
What is Sensory and Motor Cortex?
These two are where muscle movement, leg, hip, neck, head, arm, elbow, fingers, mouth, throat, etc... Basically how to use and understand the body