Brofenbrenner Ecological Model
Piaget Stages of Cognitive Development
Kohlberg Theory of Moral Development
5 P's
Erikson Stages of Psychosocial Development

A child and their parents are part of the __________.



A child is given two identical glasses of water, and after pouring one into a taller, thinner glass, they understand that both glasses still contain the same amount of water. This shows the development of conservation and the ability to perform logical operations on concrete objects.

Concrete Operational Stage (7-11 years)


Timmy didn’t take the cookie from the jar because he knew he would be punished if his parents found out.

Preconventional Stage 1 Obedience and Punishment


Reason that the person seeks help

Problem/Presenting issue


Martin has been a very successful business man for nearly 25 years.  His 3 children are reaching adulthood.  Martin decides to start a small business that provides financial advising to young people who are just starting their careers.

Generativity vs. Stagnation


The parent's workplace is an example of the _______



A child playing with toy animals creates an elaborate story where the toys are talking and living like humans, showing symbolic thinking. However, when asked if their friend’s toy dog could be an animal, the child insists it must be an animal because it has a dog’s features, showing a lack of conservation of the concept.

Preoperational Stage (2-7 years)


Maria always follows the school dress code because she wants to fit in and be liked by her classmates.

Conventional Stage 3 Interpersonal Relationships


What strengths can the client draw on?
Are there social supports and/or
community resources or assets?

Protective/Positive Factors


Daniel doesn’t want to wear the pajamas his mother chose for him. Instead, he STRONGLY prefers last night’s (dirty) PJs!  Daniel’s mom agrees and dresses him in his (dirty) PJ selection.

Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt


Geographic location is an example of _____



A teenager systematically experiments with different solutions to a math problem, using abstract reasoning and hypothetical thinking to find the best solution. They can discuss complex concepts like democracy and ethics, demonstrating the ability to think abstractly and logically about hypothetical situations.

Formal Operational Stage (12 years and up)


John reports a broken streetlight to the city authorities because he believes it is important to uphold community rules and ensure everyone's safety.

Conventional Stage 4 (Law and Order/Supporting Social Order)


Why are they seeking help right now? Are there any triggers?

Precipitant/Precipitating Factors


It’s Little League season and third-grader, Jonathan, can’t wait! Last spring he was on Junior Little League and every time he was at bat, he made a hit.  He also caught three fly balls, and won the game for the team!  Jonathan’s coaches, friends and parents are looking forward to Jonathan playing on the Little League team this season.

Industry vs. Inferiority


What do you call the relationships/connections between the microsystem and the exosystem?



A baby shakes a rattle, enjoying the sound it makes and discovering that moving the rattle produces noise. When the rattle is hidden under a blanket, the baby initially doesn’t look for it but later begins to search, showing the emerging understanding of object permanence.

Sensorimotor Stage (0-2 years)


Jenny helped her friend with her homework because she wanted her friend to return the favor later.

Preconventional Stage 2 Self-Interest/Individualism & Exchange


What factors over the course of the person's life contributed to the development of the problem?

Predisposing factors


Annie’s parents are doctors.  Her grandparents are doctors.  In fact, Annie’s parents have told her that after her high school graduation, they are looking forward to her entering the same college and medical school they attended.  Annie waits for just the right time to announce her plans to travel to Europe after high school to pursue her interest in drawing and painting, and to learn Italian.

Identity vs. Role Confusion


A parent's divorce or the COVID-19 pandemic is an example of ___________



What is this an example of in regards to Piaget's schemas?

A young child might have a schema for "dog" that includes a four-legged animal with fur and a tail. The child encounters a variety of dogs, reinforcing this schema as they see similarities between them.  When the child sees a new breed of dog, such as a Dalmatian, they recognize it as a dog because it fits their existing schema of dogs (four legs, fur, tail).



Alex supports environmental regulations not just because they are the law, but because he believes in protecting the environment for the greater good of society.

Post Conventional Stage 5 Individual Human Rights and Social Contract


What factors are reinforcing or maintaining the problem? Why does it continue?

Perpetuating factors


Timmy’s mom pours him a bowl of Cheerios and milk.  She directs him to go sit at the kitchen table.  Timmy reaches for the bowl of Cheerios, announcing, “I carry it!”  On the way to the table, lots of milk and cereal spill on the floor.  Mom quietly cleans up the mess and thanks Timmy for his “help.”

Initiative vs. Guilt