Atmosphere pollution
Natural Resources
Pollution controls
Environmental Impacts

This source of water pollution occurs when oil, chemicals, and other substances are spilled or leaked into water bodies.

 What are oil spills?


This common gas protects the atmosphere from harmful UV radiation high above, but at ground level, it contributes to the formation of smog, posing health risks

what's Ozone?


This type of renewable resource is derived from the Earth's internal heat.

What is geothermal energy?


This regulatory agency in the United States is responsible for setting and enforcing air quality standards to protect public health and the environment.

What's the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


 This practice involves managing natural resources responsibly, reducing waste, conserving energy, and protecting ecosystems to ensure the long-term health of the environment.

What is Conservation?


This type of  source is a major contributor to air pollution in industrial areas and releases pollutants during the combustion of fossil fuels.

What are power plants or industrial factories?


This environmental phenomenon, caused by the deposition of acidic pollutants in the atmosphere, can have damaging effects on ecosystems, infrastructure, and human health.

What is acid rain?


This nonrenewable resource is primarily used as a fuel for heating, cooking, and electricity generation.

What is coal?


This technology, often integrated into cars' exhaust systems, is utilized to minimize emissions of harmful pollutants.

What is a catalytic converter?


This type of water pollution occurs when excess nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus enter water bodies, leading to excessive algae growth.

What is eutrophication?


his type of pollution source refers to fixed locations where pollutants are emitted, such as factories and power plants.

What are stationary sources?


This primary pollutant is released from vehicle exhaust, when reacts with NOx is a major contributor to the formation of ground-level ozone.

What are volatile organic compounds (VOCs)?


This energy source utilizes the kinetic energy of wind to generate electricity.

What is wind power?


 This legislation regulates the standards to safeguard the quality of the air we breathe.

What is Clean Air Act?


The growing demand for this natural resource, driven by population growth and industrialization, leads to over-extraction, pollution, and habitat destruction in freshwater ecosystems.

What is water?


Stationary sources emit this greenhouse gas, primarily from burning fossil fuels, contributing to climate change.

What is carbon dioxide (CO2)?


This human activity is the leading cause of deforestation, which contributes to increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

What is clearing land for agriculture or urban development?


This energy source utilizes material from plants, trees and animals as source of energy?

What is Biomass


This Law Cites is an International Agreement primarily focuses on the protection of endangered species of animals and plants. 

What is Biodiversity protection ?


The extraction and combustion of this fossil fuel to meet the energy demands of a growing population contribute significantly to air pollution, acid rain, and climate change.

 What is coal, oil, or natural gas?


This type of pollution source includes events such as volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and dust storms, which release pollutants into the atmosphere.

What are natural sources of pollution?


This human activity is the primary contributor to the increase in carbon dioxide levels in the Earth's atmosphere.

What is burning fossil fuels?


This renewable resource involves capturing the energy from sunlight and converting it into electricity using photovoltaic cells.

What is solar power?


 This term refers to the process where pollutants become more concentrated as they move up the food chain, posing greater risks to organisms at higher trophic levels

What is biomagnification?


The increase in this type of waste, generated by a growing population and increased consumption, leads to pollution of land, water, and air.

What is solid waste or municipal waste?