This is the standard map projection that we use today.
This geographer warned that population growth may outpace food production.
Thomas Malthus
Residential communities, located outside of city centers, that are usually relatively homogeneous within that city.
This model measures development in 5 stages, the highest of which is characterized by high mass consumption.
Rostow's Stages of Economic Growth
A social hierarchy in Hinduism, where Indians are born into categories that dictate a lot of their lives.
These maps use isolines to represents points common elevation
This geographer claims that rich core capitalist societies succeed by exploiting poorer peripheral ones.
Immanuel Wallerstein
Any forces or factors that may limit human migration
Intervening Obstacles
This model explains how regions of human populated areas interact and are influenced by the variables of their populations and the distance between them.
Gravity Model
This term is used to refer to the beliefs that local Native American and African religions hold. It is characterized by the idea that our natural world is full of spiritual beings and supernatural powers.
In this type of map, population is represented by land size.
This geographer argued that population growth is independent of food supply and that population increase is a cause of changes in agriculture, challenging the standard theory of the time.
Ester Boserup
Manufacturing activities in which the cost of transporting both raw materials and finished product is not important for determining the location of the firm.
Footloose Firms
This urban geographical model seeks to explain the number, size and range of market services in a commercial system or human settlements in a residential system. This model is often associated with hexagons.
Central Place Theory
Episcopalians, Methodists, and Presbyterians are different denominations of this major Christian category.
This map projection is centered on Africa and attempts to treat all regions of Earth equally.
Peters Projection
This geographer defined the concept of cultural landscape as the fundamental unit of geographical analysis.
Carl Sauer
This is a form of speech that adopts a simplified grammar and limited vocabulary of a lingua franca, used for communications among speakers of two different languages
This theory, developed by Nicholas Spykman suggests that sea power is more valuable and that alliances will keep the heartland in check.
Rimland Theory
In Buddhism, this is the process that helps one achieve Nirvana.
Eightfold Path
This specific kind of map is used to see which living locations people favor.
Preference Map
This geographer claimed that geography stemmed from four distinct traditions: Earth-science, Cultural-environment, locational, and area-analysis.
W. D. Pattison
The movements of livestock according to seasonal patterns, generally lowland areas in the winter and highland areas in the summer.
The idea that political destabilization in one country can lead to collapse of political stability in neighboring countries, starting a chain reaction of collapse.
Domino Theory
The adherents of this religion live primarily in Japan, where it was formerly the official state religion?