Social Media
Language Diffusion

What is the difference between a habit and a custom?

  • A habit is a repetitive act that a particular individual performs

  • A custom is a repetitive act of a group, performed to the extent that it becomes characteristic of the group


Why do some countries sensor U.S content

American TV programs present characteristically American beliefs and social forms, such as upward social mobility, relative freedom for women, glorification of youth, and stylized violence.


What is a language? 

a system of communication through speech, movement, sounds, or symbols that a group of people understand


How has language diffused before the modern world as compared to now?

before the modern world languages diffused through relocation diffusion, but now the diffusion of language is contagious.


What is Assimilation?

the process through which people lose originally differentiating traits, such as dress, speech when in contact with another society


What is the difference between folk culture and pop culture?

  • Folk culture is traditionally practiced primarily by small, homogeneous groups living in isolated rural areas.

  • Popular culture is found in large, heterogeneous societies that share certain habits despite differences in other personal characteristics.


What percent of users of the internet are from china



What are the four most common Romance languages?

Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Italian


If two groups of people speaking the same language diverge, what happens to the language?

After long period without contact, the two groups will use languages that are so different that they are classified as separate languages


What is Acculturation

the process of changes in culture that result from the meeting of new groups


Which changes faster, pop culture or folk culture?

Pop culture


What is Freedom on the Net?

measures the level of Internet and digital media freedom in 65 countries and scores them 0 (most free) to 100 (least free) free countries are scored less than 30, partly free 31 to 60, and not free from 61 to 100.


What is Sino-Tibetan?

world’s second-most widely used language family. The most commonly used is Mandarin, which Mandarin is the worlds most used language.


Why is English so different from Germany even though English is in the germanic branch?

Two groups of people speaking german and others speaking French were forced to live with each other and created a simpler language English


What is Syncretism

the combination of elements of two groups into a new cultural religion


How are pop and folk culture distributed

folk is distributed by relocation diffusion, while pop is hierarchical diffusion 


How many countries were classified as free, not free, and partially free?

Only 19 of the 65 countries included in Freedom on the Net were classified as “free,” 31 were “partly free,” and 15 were “not free”


What is Niger–Congo?

More than 95 percent of the people in sub-Saharan Africa use languages of the Niger-Congo family. The three most widely spoken Niger-Congo languages are Yoruba, Igbo, and Swahili.


Why have more and more people decided to learn english? 

economic benefit and vast majority of people already speak it.


What is the most widespread language branch?



What countries sends and receives the most cyber attacks?

Send: United States

Receives: United States


What is Afro-Asiatic?

Arabic is the major language of the Afro-Asiatic family. 206 million people speak and write Arabic.


Why do some people think Chinese will become the new lingua franca?

Many people already speak it and is able to express more with less characters

What is a pidgin language?

A language is created by not following the grammar rules of a lingua franca. Pidgin language has no native speakers