What is carbohydrates?
This macronutrient is the primary source of energy for the body.
What is vitamin C?
This vitamin, found in citrus fruits, helps boost the immune system.
What is pasteurization?
This process removes harmful bacteria from milk through heating.
What is crop rotation?
This method of farming reduces soil erosion by planting different crops in sequential seasons.
What is eating after 8 PM?
Eating this late at night does not directly cause weight gain, but excess calories do.
What is protein?
This macronutrient is essential for muscle repair and growth.
What is iron?
A deficiency in this mineral leads to anemia.
What is organic farming?
This farming technique grows crops without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.
What is agroforestry?
This practice involves growing crops and raising livestock together for ecological benefits.
What is coffee?
This drink is often believed to dehydrate, but moderate consumption contributes to daily fluid intake.
What are unsaturated fats?
This type of fat is considered the healthiest and is found in olive oil and avocados.
What is vitamin D?
This fat-soluble vitamin is crucial for strong bones and works with calcium.
What is corn (maize)?
This staple crop, originally from Mesoamerica, is a major food source worldwide.
What is vertical farming?
This type of farming minimizes environmental impact by using controlled environments.
What are carbohydrates?
Many people think this food group causes weight gain, but whole, unprocessed versions are essential for energy.
What is fat?
This macronutrient has 9 calories per gram, the highest energy density of all.
What is potassium?
Bananas are known for being a good source of this electrolyte.
What is lab-grown meat?
This type of protein is grown in controlled environments and is an alternative to traditional meat.
What is integrated pest management (IPM)?
The practice of avoiding synthetic chemicals and using natural methods for pest control.
What is natural sugar (fructose)?
This type of sugar, found in fruit, is healthier than refined sugar due to fiber and nutrients.
What are refined carbohydrates or sugars?
Excess consumption of this macronutrient is linked to increased risk of diabetes.
What is iodine?
This mineral, essential for thyroid function, is commonly added to table salt.
What is nitrogen fixation?
The process of converting nitrogen from the atmosphere into a form usable by plants.
What is the farm-to-table movement?
This movement supports local farmers and reduces carbon emissions from food transportation.
What is breakfast?
Skipping this meal does not necessarily slow metabolism, but it may lead to overeating later.