Job Analysis
Job Design/ Description

Provides information about jobs currently being done and the knowledge, skills and abilities that individuals need to perform the jobs adequately.

What is a job analysis?


Job design does all of these EXCEPT: 

a. set the salary of a job.

b. describe what tasks are included in a job.

c. tells the order in which tasks are done in a job.

d. set the conditions under which the tasks of a job are completed.

e. how and when the tasks of a job are completed.

What is set the salary of a job?


Evan, a recruiter, is trying to identify the different constraints that may impact his recruiting efforts. Which of the following is NOT a major constraint on recruiting efforts? 

a. Organization image

b. Job attractiveness

c. Marketing mix

d. Government influence

e. Internal organizational policies

What is marketing mix?


Connie hires cash register operators for a large grocery chain. She gives basic mathematics tests to applicants six months after they are hired and compares the scores to their performance evaluations. What is Connie doing? 

a. Establishing predictive validity.

b. Confirming reliability.

c. Monitoring reliable validity.

d. Establishing concurrent validity.

e. Evaluating concept inferences.

What is, establishing concurrent validity?


Ahmad, a veteran manager in the fast-food business, applied for a manager position at a fast-food restaurant when he relocated because of health reasons. He was told he did not get the job because he did not have a high school diploma. Although that was not stated as a job requirement for manager positions, he learned that the application form he completed was the same one used for counter workers. That form is legally weighted to consider education level. He can use which of the following as a basis for legal challenge? 

a. None of these items should be weighted more heavily than any of the others.

b. Application items were not validated for the manager positions.

c. Prior job experience should be weighted more heavily than educational background.

d. Educational background should be weighted more heavily than prior job experience.

e. Application forms cannot be used in this way.

What is, application items were not validated for the manager positions.


Leona has gathered job analysis data with a structured questionnaire for managerial jobs in remote locations of her firm. Exit interviews have produced comments like, "You should have told me what was really expected." She wants to use an additional collection technique to avoid misrepresentation in job descriptions. Leona’s boss told her, “Be thorough. Job analysis time and cost are nothing compared to the cost of replacing these managers.” Which method should she use? 

a. Observation

b. Individual interview

c. Technical conference

d. Diary

e. Gap analysis

What is an individual interview?


Chelsea, director of human resources at a large resort in the Southwest, has been unable to fill the last three vacancies for day activity supervisor for senior citizens. After checking with friends who have talked to candidates and potential candidates, she found that the jobs are low paying, boring, and very stressful, compared to the same job at other resorts and activity centers in the area. Recruiting for other positions in the resort has not been a problem. What constraint is affecting her organization? 

a. Organization image

b. Job attractiveness

c. Internal organizational policies

d. Government influence

e. Recruiting costs

What is job attractiveness?


Wei Xu is the human resources manager of a medium-sized construction company based in China. His company just signed its first multi-million dollar contract to build a hotel in India. He needs to quickly hire a site manager, one familiar with Indian customs and the language. What should he do?

a. Send a Chinese employee overseas to run the project.

b. Do a global search to find the best candidate for the job.

c. Place an ad on listing the job opening.

d. Post a job opening placard on the job site fence.

e. Hire a host-country national who has the job qualifications.

What is, hire a host-country national who has the job qualifications.


Josh was not hired for a job as a dump truck driver because he scored below 40 on the emotional intelligence test, even though he scored a perfect 100 on a driving and dumping test. He challenged this in court, contending that this employment test does not have 

a. predictive validity.

b. reliability.

c. content validity.

d. validity analysis.

e. contaminant validity.

What is content validity?


Tosi is interviewing for a managerial job with a global manufacturer. He has been screened and he completed the application form. He routed 20 documents in an inbox successfully. Now he is in a group with 4 other candidates, making a stick model of a new product. Later today he is scheduled for a personality test. These activities identify which stage of the selection process?

What is an assessment center?


Job analysis involves the identification and analysis of the qualifications of the firm’s new employees. Is this true or false?

What is false?


When a worker can perform a job and see a visible outcome that creates a sense of accomplishment, the worker may become motivated by: 

a. task identity.

b. skill variety.

c. task significance.

d. autonomy.

e. feedback from the job itself.

What is, a task identity?


Dominique is looking for a new job. She just had lunch with a prospective employer she met at the conference they were both attending. She had received a roster of job openings when she arrived at the meeting. What kind of external search assistance is she using?

What is, using a professional association?


Ian, in charge of selection, wants to decrease the size of his applicant pool for entry level electrical workers. This job, like most in his organization, requires an employment test. What should he do?

What is, raise the cut score on the employment test?


Daniel is an experienced interviewer for a large service organization. He has just asked a job candidate what she would do in this scenario: “You show up for a routine meeting. The client greets you, angry, yelling, and waving a piece of paper in your face that he asserts contains a billing error. How do you handle the situation?” What is Daniel doing?

What is a behavioral interview?


Which of these changes in the labor supply is the most difficult to predict?

a. Dismissals

b. Deaths

c. Retirements

d. Voluntary quits

e. Prolonged illnesses

What are deaths?


What use has the job description served under the ADA?

What is, it identifies essential job functions?


One goal of recruiting is to communicate the position in such a way that job seekers respond. Is this true or false?

What is true?


What can be used to replace traditional telephone screening interviews?

What are online interviews?


The value of the interview in the hiring process has been affirmed for which of these reasons? 

a. Impression management is a good job success predictor.

b. The interviewer often holds a stereotype of what represents a “good” applicant.

c. Positive information is given the highest weight.

d. Most interviewers exhibit an unusually strong ability to recall detailed information with great accuracy.

e. Organizational “fit” often determines how long an employee will stay with the organization.

What is, organizational “fit” often determines how long an employee will stay with the organization.


Which of the following is NOT a category of the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)?

a. Information input

b. Mental processes

c. Job evaluation

d. Work output

e. Relationships with other people

What is job evaluation?


Jane is a retired insurance agent. She now files medical claims from her home PC for several doctor’s offices. Each doctor’s office pays her an arranged amount for each claim filed. They pay no taxes or benefits for Jane, just the per claim fee. What kind of worker is Jane?

What is an independent contractor?


Anthony, vice-president of human resources, wants to decrease turnover for counter workers at a fast food chain. He examined work application forms over the last five years and discovered the following information: 50% of employees who stayed less than 90 days had no prior work experience; 50% of employees who stayed longer than 1 year held more than 2 previous jobs; 80% of employees who stayed less than 90 days held less than a high school degree; 80% of employees who stayed more than a year held a high school degree; 40% of employees who indicated only weekend work schedules left within 90 days; 45% of workers who indicated no weekend work schedules left within 90 days. What should he do? 

a. Raise work experience requirements for the job.

b. Lower work experience requirements for the job.

c. Weight prior job experience more heavily than educational level.

d. Weight educational level more heavily than prior job experience.

e. Do not require weekend work schedules.

What is weight educational level more heavily than prior job experience?


Who should make the actual hiring decision?

a. The HR manager

b. The general manager

c. The recruiter

d. The manager in the department where the vacancy exists

e. The compensation and benefits manager

Who is, the manager in the department where the vacancy exists


Why do organizations conduct background checks on potential employees? 

a. To identify good work team opportunities.

b. To comply with ADA regulations for reasonable accommodation.

c. The FLSA requires credit history on all hourly workers.

d. Past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior.

e. Most internal investigators have been reassigned from line responsibilities.

What is, past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior.