Laws & Regulations
Human Resources
Variety (Potpourri)
City Departments
Careers within the City

Which department at an organization (like the City of Rock Hill) ensures that people are obeying the laws around employment practices set out by the federal, state and local governments.

Who is Human Resources?


The meaning of termination

What is when someone's job ends?


Define Training.

What is taking a class, learning a new skill, studying for a certification?


This department helps in medical emergencies, fire prevention and fighting fires.

Who is the Fire Department?


The position that maintains traffic control and writes traffic tickets as needed.

Who are patrol officers or the police?


Define Harassment.

What is when someone feels they have been offended or job has been impact by a boss or other co-worker affecting their ability to work?


Name one important element of interviews.

What are good questions, preparation, planning the panel interviewers, etc.?


Define coaching.

What is helping someone improve at work?


This department works across the community to keep citizens safe, investigates crime and runs a boys and girls camp each summer called the Worthy Boys and Girls club!

Who is the Police Department?


Name the department or location that is co-managed by York County to allow planes to take off and land in Rock Hill.

What is the airport?


Define Family Medical Leave Act.

What is a law that protects someone's job if he or she has to be out of work for illness, having a baby, is the primary care taker of an ill family member or military member in active duty.


One reason performance appraisals are conducted.

What is to give feedback on what an employee is doing good, areas to improve, calculate raise?


Name one reason to coach an employee.

What is performance, not meeting goals, a difficult assignment, leadership, providing support, etc.


This department helps people get jobs, provides training through the city on topics such as Customer Services and How to be a good supervisor.  This department also ensures the City is compliant as an employer with State and Federal laws.

Who is Human Resources?


Name the department that helps people with low incomes get affordable housing.

Who is the Housing Authority?


Define American with Disabilities Act.

What is a law that protects individuals with disabilities or may need an accommodation?


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects one of the following...

Race, religion, gender, national origin, color


Name two ways to motivate employees.

What is showing appreciation by saying thank you, giving awards, making time for employees, giving out special projects, giving people a chance to learn and grow?


This department ensures the technology of the city, including computers, telephones and projectors for presentations are working and employees can access the internet and applications they need to work.

Who is the Information Technology Team?


Name the important job that keeps our water clean.

Who are water treatment plant operators?


Define Fair Labor Standards Act.

What is a law that protects individuals rights for being paid fairly?


An example of an illegal interview question.

What is... are you pregnant, how old are you, etc?


Give a reason for employee discipline.

What is correct employee behavior?


This department takes care of all parks, hosts all of the sports tournaments and is building a new Basketball and Volleyball arena near downtown Rock Hill that will open in July 2019.

Who is the Parks, Recreation and Tourism department?


Name one festival the Economic and Urban Development team hosts within the City of Rock Hill.

What is Come See Me, Christmasville, BBQ Festival, St. Patty's Day Festival, Boo Ha Ha, etc.?