HR Law
ISU Policies
UHR Colleagues
Merit Employees

This law is commonly known as the "FLSA". 

What is the Fair Labor Standards Act? 


This title recognizes the university's chief academic officer. 

What is the Senior Vice President and Provost? 


The Holidays policy states that ISU has this many scheduled holidays each year. 

What is 9 scheduled holidays? 


If you ask, this UHR colleague might whip you up an APple crisp or other yummy food!

Who is Adam Peters? 


Most ISU Merit staff are covered by a collective bargaining agreement made with this union group.

What is the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)? 


This U.S. Department of Labor law ensures employees are afforded safe working conditions. 

What is the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)?


This faculty title is given to individuals with significant relevant professional experience outside of academia that qualify them to contribute to instruction and/or advising. 

What is Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Practice? 


The Employment of Out-of-State and Out-of-Country (International) Residents policy excludes these two groups as 'covered employees'. 

What are Postdoctoral Scholars and Graduate Assistants? 


This colleague Joined HRD this month and previously held a role in benefIts. 

Who is Jacki Irwin? 


The probationary period for merit employees is this long. 

What is 6 months? 


Iowa law protects employees who are this age or older from age discrimination in the workplace. 

What is 18 years old? 


Tenure track faculty typically take this long to reach a tenured status. 

What is 6 years?


This policy requires that "employees and managers share responsibility to accurately report hours worked and absences approved."

What is the Non-Exempt Time Reporting policy? 


This UHR colleague spendS free time maKing angels from recycled glass dishes. 

Who is Shari Kouski? 


This one-time compensation rewards a Merit employee for exceptional achievement or contribution and is similar to a P&S EMPP. 

What is Pay for Exceptional Performance? 


This law is also known as the longest of all venomous snakes. 

What is the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)? 


A full professor with 10+ years of continuous service automatically receives this title upon retirement. 

What is Emeritus/Emerita faculty? 


According to the Organ and Bone Marrow Donation Leave policy, an ISU employee may take this many workdays of paid leave for a living organ donation. 

What is 30 workdays? 


This UHR colleague enjoys sWimming and playing board Games in their spare time. 

Who is Whitney Grote? 


This law lays out what unions can and cannot negotiate for in their contracts and how a neutral arbitrator will make a decision when the state and union cannot agree. 

What is Iowa Code Chapter 20?


This court case is known to have caused congress to pass the Pregnancy Discrimination Act.

What is General Electric Company v. Gilbert (1976)? 


This principle encourages and guarantees the right to inquiry, discourse, and learning that characterizes a community of scholars.

What is academic freedom? 


This group serves as adviser to policy developers and approvers for new policies or policy revisions at ISU. 

What is the Policy Library Advisory Committee (PLAC)? 


This UHR colleague can recite every state in aLphabetical order and learned to drive on a maNual transmission!

Who is Liz Norton?


The RMSRs 'Pay for Call Back' rule states that employees who are called back to work after completing their regular schedule will be paid for a minimum of this many hours. 

What is 3 hours?