In some instances, cases these professionals handle can have an impact on their_____outside of the office.
There is a pressure to stay current with ________ and financial trends.
Many of the careers available in this cluster require ___________for a particular service.
Personal trainers must be licensed and receive an education equivalent to an ________ degree.
Other careers, such as some types of therapists and counselors, require __________ school and the achievement of a master’s or doctoral level degree.
These services may be provided in hospitals, clinics, ________ or private facilities.
Communication is ________ when explaining situations which can be difficult to understand for the clients.
Services having an _________ presence will have more business.
It is exciting for professionals in this pathway to provide individuals with services which they would not have the ______ or _______ to perform themselves.
skills; time
Professionals in the Family and Community Services Pathway help the _________, homebound and sick deal with daily situations.
Personal files and medical records are handled daily and must be kept ______ and _________based on federal and state laws.
private; confidential
Individuals working in Consumer Services Pathway tend to work in offices with a _________ work week.
In the 1950s and 60s, the United States government sanctioned ________ for human services.
Client files and __________ are required for customer satisfaction.
These professionals must be excellent listeners and be able to communicate _______ and __________ clearly.
advice; instructions
Employees in this field must possess a strong desire to help others, good __________ skills, a strong sense of_________ and the ability to work independently and as a team.
communication; responsibility
Individuals pursuing a career in the Consumer Services Pathway are responsible for the ________ of individuals and companies of all sizes.
Professionals in the Human Services Career Cluster help those who need ________ and offer services which help to make ______ easier.
assistance; life
Professionals in this industry must be _______ to work _______ with others.
willing; closely
Files for each case and every client must be ________ and maintained to stay _________ so they can be used for future references.
organized; updated
Professionals in the Counseling and Mental Health Services Pathway are responsible for providing ________, ___________, professional and physical assistance to families and individuals.
mental, emotional
Everyone is a consumer and having professionals to help make decisions regarding _______, money and transactions is necessary.
Additionally, the __________ of customers can cause a great deal of __________ for professionals in this career cluster
happiness; stress
Styles will always be __________ and people will ______ be looking for new ways to set themselves apart from the crowd.
changing; always
___________and spiritual leaders, support groups and ________impact families and communities on small and large scales.
Religious; advisors