Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 2
Self-Perception and Self-Esteem
Mental Health
Mental Health 2
SMART Goals and Motivation
Defense Mechanisms
Alcohol and Substance Abuse

This Theorist Believed Humans Are Motivated By Our Needs?

Who is Abraham Maslow?


Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs Is Most Often Displayed As This Geometric Shape.

What is a pyramid?


Self-Perception Can Be Defined As...

What is the way one sees themselves?


Your Friends And Medication Determine Your Mental Health. True or False?

What is false?


Talking With A Friend Is One Way To Reduce The Negative Impacts Of This On Your Mental Health.

What is stress?


Regarding SMART Goals, What Does The 'S' Stand For?

What is specific?


Allowing discouragement to get you down.

What is Giving-Up?


These are products such as chewing tobacco and snuff, which are chewed or placed against the gums.  

What is Smokeless Tobacco?


This Type Of Need Must Be Met Before We Fulfill Our Higher Needs.

What are basic needs?


According to Maslow, which needs are considered the most basic and must be satisfied first?

What are physiological needs?


Self-Esteem Can Be Defined As...

What is one’s evaluation of their own worth?


Your Emotions, Behaviors, And Thoughts Determine Your Mental Health. True Or False?

What is true?


Your Hobbies, Classes, And Activities Determine Your Mental Health. True Or False?

What is false?


Regarding SMART Goals, What Does The 'M' Stand For?

What is measurable?


Placing the blame for your failures on other people or things.

What is Projection?


The use of e-cigarettes to inhale vapor through the mouth, most of which contain nicotine, is known as...

What is Vaping?


Case Study: Perry is 52yr old and has lost his second job and apartment. He drives to the local shelter in the evening to sleep and shower. He still works at job #1 and is saving for his own place. Which hierarchy of need(s) is Perry currently dealing with?

What is Physiological? - Has the basics met and looking toward to increase his comfort and safety needs

What is Safety and Security? - Needing his own place for increase privacy and security


Case Study: LuSeal is a 5yr old chiweenie mix who has all the treats and soft pillows a queen could want. She is a very good girl but gets bored as the only doggo in the house. She is fixed and lays at the font door watching her neighbors take care of their new born puppies. Which hierarchy of need(s) is LuSeal currently dealing with?

What is Physiological? She is well taken care of

What is Safety and Security? She lives in a comfortable home and out of harms way

What is Love and Belonging? She needs other dogs to play with, or a companion puppy to be a maternal figure to


Individuals With ____ Self-Esteem Usually Deal With This: Feeling Like They Are Not Good Enough.

What is low self-esteem?


Avoiding These Could Have A Negative Effect On Your Mental Wellness.

What are challenges and stress?


This Negative Practice Can Create A Harmful Cycle Of Behaviors And Emotions, Affecting Mental Health.

What is unkind self-talk?


Regarding SMART Goals, What Does The 'T' Stand For?

What is time or timely or time-bound?


Reverting back to a less mature stage of development.

What is Regression?


This drug increases risks of developing learning difficulties, lung damage, possible damage to reproductive organs, psychological addiction, possible link to use of other illegal drugs...

What is Marijuana?


In The Movies, Which Level Of Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs Is Reached Quicker Than In Real Life?

What is self-actualization?


In Maslow's hierarchy, what is the term for the highest level of needs, involving personal growth and fulfillment?

What is self-actualization?


One Tip For Building Self-Esteem Is To Practice This Regularly With Yourself.

listen to student answers


What Phone Number Do You Call When Someone Is In A Mental Health Crisis?

What is 911?


To Improve Your Mental Health, It’s Important To Support Your Own Mental Health Before Supporting That Of...

Who are others?


This Word Refers To The Ability To Adapt To Stressors And "Bounce Back" From Difficult Experiences.

What is resilience?


Overcoming obstacles or problems through realistic efforts to find solutions.

What is Direct Attack?


This depressant drug interferes with judgment, vision, muscle coordination, and reaction time. This is why it poses such great danger to people who drive under its influence.

What is Alcohol?


Amalia Is A Refugee Needing To Rebuild Her Life. She needs to meet all of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Name a resource or strategy Amalia could use for each level.

1. Physiological    2. Safety and Security                  3. Love and Belonging    4. Self-Esteem                  5. Self-Actualization

Listen for Student Answers:

Community Support     Part-Time Job       Therapy     Refugee Support Organizations    Supportive Friends Mentorship   ESL (English Second Language) Classes Resilience and Perseverance      School Support Financial Aid and  Scholarships   Therapeutic Support Cultural Exchange Program      Financial Planning Community Resources     Online Social Community   Extracurricular Activities                 


This Level Of Maslow’s Hierarchy Includes Friendship, Family, And Intimacy.

What is love and belonging?


Name one advantage of positive Self-Esteem?

Listen to student answers:

Being a leader of others   

Being able to accept failure 

Does not submit to peer pressure    

Being able to believe in others

Is not a threat to others      

Becoming optimistic       

Being willing to try new things   

Appreciating life more


This Type Of Fatal Self-Harm Is Preventable If People Seek The Right Support In Time.

What is suicide?


It may take months or even years for a patient to recover from clinical depression. True or False



This Word Refers To The Ability To Pursue A Goal Over Time, Despite Setbacks.

What is perseverance?


Accomplishing through the imagination something you have not accomplished in reality.

What is Day Dreaming?


This drug increases risk for severe acne, stunted growth, sterility and is well-known amongst athletes...

What is Steroids?