I am a federal health insurance program that has experienced significant
changes throughout its existence.
how many box do you have for documenting you inquiry ?
What is 4
Health Maintenance Organization
What is HMO
Who is eligible for Medicare
What is
People 65 years of age and older who worked or have a spouse who worked for at least 10 years in a Medicare-covered employment
People under age 65 with certain disabilities
People with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) - permanent kidney failure treated with dialysis or a transplant
what information goes in the second box
What is What was the caller’s expected or requested outcome
How many part of Medicare are there ? and what are they
What is what is Medicare part A is hospital ,B is medical, C is Medicare Advantage plans, D is a Voluntary Outpatient Prescription Drug Plan (PDP).
When using the Notes Template, how can you ensure you avoid
spelling errors?
What is By using the Spell Check button at the bottom of the template.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is called, an were can you find comprehensive information on the web for them?
What is CMS and Comprehensive information can be obtained via the internet Web site: http://www.cms.hhs.gov/.
Jane Kimball called in because of the service she received she received at her doctor's office, the Member was very upset, When documenting the inquiry what must be done ?
What is Complaint box checked
How many ways can you have PDP and what are they
What is 2 and they are with a Medicare advantage plan and a Stand alone plan
What are the Common Mistakes cited by Quality for Documentation
What is copy and paste,Spelling errors,Text message shortcuts,Proper grammar,Not answering questions on the template and Action is not “impactful and actionable”